Chapter Thirty-Nine

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(y/n)'s POV

"(y/nnnnnnn), get uuuupppp," I heard a voice next to me, and I realized I was being shaken. I screwed my eyes further shut, desperate to stay asleep. I had dreamed that Heather and I had gotten married and let me tell you, future her was absolutely gorgeous.

"Don't wanna!" I whined, snuggling into her pillow. I could practically HEAR her rolling her eyes.

"It's 10am, baby. I'll give you kisses if you get up!" She sang, and I shot up. She laughed at my behavior and gently pushed me backward.

"Go get dressed and brush your teeth. The clothes stacked up are for you to wear and the extra toothbrush I got for you is the purple one," She told me.

"Don't use your school voice on me young lady," I wiggled a finger at her, making her giggle.

"Fine, but go. I'm not kissing you with morning breath," She pushed my chest back softly and I pouted before doing as she said.

I gently closed the rich wooden door before setting my eyes on the clothes. I grinned at her choice. She'd found an old purple t-shirt that looked soft and would probably be pretty big on me, and also high waisted black jeans. She also had white socks for me.

I changed into the outfit and tucked the shirt loosely into the jeans, and deciding that I didn't look awful. I then brushed my teeth and used her hairbrush and dry shampoo, making my (h/l) hair look fluffier and cleaner than it was. I grinned, deciding that getting up was worth it.

"You done yet? I'm bored," Heather whined from the other side of the door.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming loser," I called back, opening the door. She grinned, examining me.

"You look way better in those than I ever did. You should keep them," she decided.

"Babe, you can keep your own clothes." I told her. Accepting gifts from her was weird to me, no matter how rich she was or how much the outfit smelled of her laundry detergent, which was nicer than anything I owned probably.

"Honey, I don't mind. It's not like I can't afford a t-shirt and jeans whenever I want. My parents don't even care if I max a credit card on one mall trip. Take them, you look gorgeous. And I like it when you wear my clothes," It was clear her mind was made up, so I just nodded.

"Hey, do you have a hoodie I can borrow? I completely forgot to bring one when I hurried over here, and it's early November," I asked, and she looked around her room, before spotting a soft, puffy looking black zip-up hoodie. She held it out to me and I accepted it gratefully. She pressed a kiss to my cheek, which made me grab her by her shoulders and kiss her on the mouth.

"What was that for?" She whispered softly.

"You promised kisses, so I demand proper kisses," I responded just as quietly. She nodded, pulling me back in for another tender kiss.

From there, they started sweet and tender but soon became hungry and passionate. My hands were gently looping around her waist while her arms were around my neck, hands buried in my hair as we desperately tried to pull one another closer.

"Are you okay with this?" Her voice was low and husky.

"I... what time is it?" I whispered, looking deep into her lovely blue eyes. She glanced away to the alarm clock resting on her desk.

"Already 10:26, so you need to be home?" She asked, meeting my eyes again.

"Shit, yes. My mom gets mad if I stay out after 11 after a sleepover, she'll want me back once she gets home from brunch with her cousin. Call me later, maybe we could go out next weekend?" I explained, and she nodded.

"I'd love to, it's not like I was planning on actually visiting Granny," she gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and led me out to the Porsche. I was glad she didn't have lipstick on yet, so she didn't mark up my cheek. I would have never heard the end of it from my mother, and it could out me to my father.

Now that I was thinking about it, I noticed she was only wearing loose gray sweatpants and a loose-fitting turquoise t-shirt that dipped low enough to show a bit of cleavage. She was stunning, even having just rolled out of bed. How did she do it? Had she made a deal with a demon or witch or something to get this pretty-power?

"You look good this morning," I commented softly. She glanced over to me, turning the key. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut it, I'll get dressed later,"

"I wasn't joking. You look good," I told her. She looked over at me, studying my face and looking a bit surprised at my seriousness.

"As if. I haven't even brushed my hair yet,"

"Why haven't you been curling your hair lately?" I asked, out of the blue. I didn't know why I did, I was just curious. Every detail about her fascinated me.

"I dunno, I just don't see the point in big done up curls that get crispy with hairspray anymore. I was always putting on a show, but with you around I don't have to." She explained, starting the car. Her brows were creased. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm interested to know more about you. You're so beautiful and intriguing and I love knowing you," I confessed, looking down at my lap. We were comfortably silent for a minute, just taking in each other's presence.

"You're really sweet, you know," she told me after a little while. I let out a bark of laughter involuntarily.

"I'm just speaking the truth, darling." I told her.

"That doesn't mean that you're not sweet. Sure, the standards for most people are pretty low, but you are a good person. Whether you accept that or not, it doesn't change," she said without missing a beat, and made my lips curl into a smile.

"Well then, thank you. You're pretty nice too, ya know," I looked over and winked. "And not awful to look at either,"

"I try," she wiggles her eyebrows, making me laugh. Days like these were my favorite, with us laughing and being the young couple in love that we were. No silly complications or homophobia to be seen, just her and me sharing jokes and flirting and being the kids we should have been allowed to be all along.

(1105 words)

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