Chapter Twenty-Five

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Heather Chandler's POV

Today had been a good day in school. I went to lunch with (y/n) and we spent ages rambling about things we found interesting, like astrology and wolves and writing. (y/n) told me she wanted to write a book one day, I told her I would be the first to read it if she'd let me. She accepted and gave me the sweetest smile, like the sun brightest up the world.

She'd been looking at me differently this past week. We'd only met about two weeks ago and the way I thought of her changed, and how she seemed to see me in a new light. Sometimes she looked at me as if someone had stripped every star from the night sky and placed them in my eyes. I knew I did the same with her, looked at her like a precious gem among piles of dirt and stone.

I kind of felt high, and I felt a smile tug my lips every time I thought of her, which was often. I sometimes passed purple flowers and thought of her. Or I hear of people doing or going to watch a live show and think of her. Or smell exhaust and picture her face curling in disgust at the scent. She was everywhere, in everything. What didn't remind me of her?

And why was I philosophically pondering all this on my evening run? Maybe because I was nearing her neighborhood. In a sports bra and tight-fitting black sweatpants. I kinda wanted to run to her house and throw rocks at her window just to see what she'd think. But she wasn't a "sex at the beginning of the relationship" type anyway, she'd just question the clothes. Or, I guess, lack there of.

I decided against it and jogged right past her neighborhood onto a path with flowers lining the sidewalk. Red, yellow, white, blue, orange. Along with purple. I smiled seeing the lavender colored flowers, just dotting the rich green grass. It was quiet, maybe only 7pm. The sun was getting ready to set, and the world was darkening ever so slightly.

Since when was I a poetic little shit who ranted in my head about the sunset?

I guess that was since I met (y/n). That girl really changed me since we first became friends two weeks ago. I loved it, but it scared the shit out of me. She scared the shit out of me. What if she flat out rejected me? What if she left me and I'd have to go back to my messed up version of normal. Without the girl that I fell so hard and fast for?

I went for a run to clear my head, but I didn't know if my thoughts were any clearer.

I didn't love her, I hadn't even known her for a month!

Then why in the name of fucking shit was she on my mind 24/7?

I decided to turn around and go back home.

I needed fresh air, but maybe doing something in my room would be better. Maybe I could read a book or knit. I'd knitted a couple times, and I was pretty good at it.

Maybe I could knit (y/n) a-

Nope! No no no no no I was not thinking about her or making her a single thing with my knitting expertise.

I needed to move this relationship and crush slower, I was never a head over heels type and I never was going to be. So I wasn't going to be super in love and ready to marry her two weeks after formally meeting her. Sure, I knew I'd had a crush on her since 7th grade or so, but who didn't? She was that weird kind of cute, like she was pretty but still awkward and not fully grown into her limbs yet. Now, she'd cut her hair a bit and grew to a fucking goddess.

But I still didn't love her. She was just a goddess. A goddess that I totally platonically admired, yes indeed.

(y/n)'s POV

"I feel bad we didn't invite Heather..." Mac whined quietly while sitting up on my bed. I threw a kernel of popcorn into Veronica's mouth.

"She said she was busy, plus it's Monday. I think she always goes out to Yoga on Monday nights." Ronnie assured while chewing.

"Are you guys staying the night? I could lend you clothes to sleep in and for tomorrow," I offered the three girls in front of me. Martha looked doubtful.

"Do you think you have anything that'll fit?" She asked quietly. I grinned and got up, running to her closet.

"You can re-wear your sweatpants, and I have a couple super over-sized sweaters and t-shirts. Some will totally even be a dress on you!" I told her while rummaging through my clothes. "And, I have everyone's signature color since I used to buy clothes like a normal person, so like in every color."

"You're a life-saver, I'm in!" I grinned as I heard Mac's joyful response, gathering people's clothes to wear.

"Yeah, I'm not big on dresses though, so give me sweatpants to sleep in and I'm cool," Ronnie added.

"And you, Martha?"

"If you got stuff that'll fit..." She conceded and I turned to group hug them. These were my friends. These were the people I was super chill with, and that I loved. It was way better without Duke, since Martha actually took people's feelings into account and didn't hate everyone. She was sweeter than sugar and honey and rainbows and unicorns and sprinkles. Combined. Yeah, I know, pretty epic if I do say so myself. And, I do indeed say so myself.

I started neatly pushing clothes behind me. A pale blue nightgown, a pleated yellow skirt, and a black button-up for McNamara. A pair of baggy black sweatpants, a gray t-shirt, a plain black skirt, and a white polo for Ronnie. A huge pink sweater with white songbirds all over, a pair of dark blue sweatpants, and a white sweater that was probably gonna even be a bit big on Martha. 

"Tonight is gonna rock!" I stated after handing them all their clothes, and I heard a murmur of agreement all around.

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