Chapter Four

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(y/n)'s POV

Here I was, getting ready for a party I didn't want to go to. At Ram Sweeney's house no less. He'd probably been the creepiest guy I'd ever met. I looked at my options for outfits. Heather said we had to stick to our color, and had to wear dresses or skirts. Options laid in front of me on my bed, waiting to be picked and put on.

I scanned my three options diligently. One was a pretty dark purple dress with a scalloped hem and lace all across the shoulders and upper chest, exposing some cleavage. The second was a white button up and a long skirt that reached halfway below the knee, in the same shade as the dress. And last laid a black t-shirt and a purple leather skirt that barely reached halfway down the thigh.

 I chose the last, pairing them with black fishnet leggings and black combat boots. It wasn't currently in fashion but it could be defined as "punk" and "sexy", so I figured the Heathers wouldn't mind.

I put it on and I actually looked decent, even more decent than normal! Hoorah, that didn't exactly happen often.

My thoughts were interrupted by a honk coming from outside. I looked out my window and there happened to be a red Porsche outside, and Chandler and I even made eye contact.

"Hurry up, biatch!" She called, not looking as angry as she sounded. I nodded and scrambled to brush my hair and look myself over one more time. I felt like I looked appropriate enough and hurried downstairs and slammed the front door open.

"I'm here, I'm out, let's go!" I panted, opening the car door for the shotgun seat. Heather looked amused.

"You look hot." She stayed effortlessly. I must have looked really taken aback because she gestured to my skirt.

"How very of you to wear leather. I think Ram will like it." She gave a smirk and turned her eyes to the road to start driving. The drive was long and tense. Heather really seemed to want me to date a popular guy, huh? Why else would she have shoved Ram in my face? She did say he's not preferable, but he'd be a boost in popularity and that would have likely benefited all the Heathers. Maybe I would suck it up and flirt tonight, just for the Heathers. Damn me, being a nice person.

I didn't even notice we has stopped driving until Heather softly slapped my cheek.
"We're here, you can stop staring into space like a freak." She teased and closed the driver's side door. I scrambled to get unbuckled and tumble out the door.

"You're about as graceful as a newborn giraffe." I heard someone snort in front of me. I lifted my head to see the voice had come from Duke, who was wearing a short, bright green dress with a low plunging neckline. I just scoffed and got up.

"You look really nice!" McNamara giggled at me. She was an ever-positive soul, I guess.

"Thanks, so do you." I smiled at her. I wasn't lying, she looked stunning in her baggy yellow t-shirt tucked into a long, plain white skirt that seemed to have a petticoat, considering how fluffy it was. 

"Let's go in." Chandler seemed annoyed and she led us all in, stopping until I was next to her and then continuing to walk, and continuing to walk very close to me, her arm almost brushing my own. I definitely didn't mind, despite it probably just being an accident or my brain pulling tricks on me. I kind of wish she would just wrap her arm around my waist. 

And then the door opened and the other three got lost in the crowd, but Chandler stayed next to me. I glanced at her, panic clear on my face. She looked over and noticed my discontent and swept me over to a more obscure corner. I don't think she even bothered to close the front door behind us. 

"Hey, you okay? I know it's huge and overwhelming but I believe in you, you're gonna do great and be cool. And you don't have to do anything anyone tells you to do, if they upset you, you can tell me." She rambles, whispering in my ear. I feel myself calm down a bit and nod. She smiles, not a cruel, evil smile, but a caring, girlish one. And damn, did she look beautiful. 

And then she disappeared into the crowd. It's like one moment she'd been comforting me and smiling, the next, poof. She really was some kind of otherworldly being. 

I supposed I should attempt at mingling, though my chest hurt and I felt very uncomfortable. I could feel eyes raking over my exposed legs and I really wished I'd worn jeans. 

"Heyyyyy, (y/n). You look hot." My nightmares bled into waking hours, here was Ram Sweeney looking at my legs like fresh meat. I wanted to shed my skin and become a horrifying monster of muscle, blood and bone.

"Oh thanks, Ram. You too." I smirked and gave a wink. I had to pretend to like him and eventually date him, for the Heathers, right? May as well get him to actually like me or something. Though he never "liked" girls, he wanted to bang girls. But maybe, I could break him and Chandler would be proud. I'd do it all for Chandler.

"Wanna go outside? The weather's nice out there." He gave a toothy grin and I nodded. He took my hand in his and led me out the front door to the porch. 

"Nice shirt." I awkwardly complimented. I wasn't wrong, his shirt looked nice. It was a dark red button up. I never expected to see something so professional on Ram but what do ya know? He probably just thought looking like a "gentleman" would get him laid faster. 

"Thanks. I like your skirt. Futuristic." He seemed to blush a little bit. I internally rolled my eyes but on the outside I leaned closer.

"So why'd you throw this big ol' party if you were just gonna take some girl outside?" I asked, looking out into the street. It was golden hour, so the sun cast a beautiful yellow glow on everything.

"My dad's outta town, so I just decided why not? Any opportunity to get drunk is fun, and hanging out here isn't gonna stop the course of the party." I could feel his gaze drink me in, and I really wanted to go away. The Ram I was with was nice, but who knows what he was actually thinking. This could be a facade, just like mine, and he could just be trying to get in my pants, well skirt. He was looking at me like an object just moments earlier, after all.

"Cool." And then we sat in silence, not a particularly comfortable one. But hey, at least it wasn't awkward compliment time anymore. That was not fun.

(1171 words)

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