Transfiguration Tutoring

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You turned to face Namjoon as he was closing the classroom door behind him and grinned

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You turned to face Namjoon as he was closing the classroom door behind him and grinned. He returned your smile a bit shyly and then moved to the desk at the front of the room and opened his bag, digging around in it as he searched for something.

"So...Jungkook?" He said, looking at you as he finally pulled out a large blue button and set it down on the desk.

"Yeah, sorry about him. He can be a little possessive," you replied, chuckling. Namjoon didn't say anything else as he closed his bag and set it aside.

"If you say so," he finally replied, chuckling lightly. Then he pointed to the button. "Okay, I know you're past this, I just want to see where you're at for me to know how to help. So the first thing I'll have you do is turn the button to a beetle and back again and then we'll go from there."

You nodded, pulling your wand out and squaring your shoulders. You were nervous about this whole tutoring session. Why had you agreed to expose how terrible you were at transfiguration to your biggest crush? You swallowed and closed your eyes briefly. Gryffindor, Gryffindor, just do it. You thought to yourself. You raised your wand and pointed at the button. You said the incantation and couldn't help the relived smile that spread over your face when the button easily turned into a beetle. Albeit, a beetle that still looked a bit like a button - similar shape and color but a moving beetle all the same.

You beamed and turned proudly to look at Namjoon to find him nodding.

"Good. Alright turn it back now," he said. Changing things back to what they were supposed to be was easier. It was like relieving a pressure you had put on the world by making something different - like a release. You took a breath and then pointed your wand at the beetle, which was moving very lethargically across the desk top, and in a blink it was a button once again. "Excellent."

You smiled and lowered your wand. Namjoon tucked the button back into his bag, then he hesitated before pulling the next item out.

"So..." he began, sounding as if he didn't know how to say what he was thinking.

"What is it Joonie?" You asked him. His face immediately went crimson and at first you weren't sure why - but then you realized you had called him Joonie out loud to his face. You had gotten into the habit of referring to Namjoon by the cute nickname in your head and with Jungkook, but never to his face.

"Joonie?" He asked his voice going all high pitched and nervous.

You coughed suddenly, loosing all your breath in a fit of awkward. "S-sorry," you said after a moment. "Namjoon. I mean."

"Uh...I was just going to ask and Jungkook are really close," he said, avoiding looking directly at you.

"Oh. Yeah - Jungkook is my very best friend. We've been this close basically since we started school here," you replied happily. "For a long time he was my only friend. It's nice to have all you guys - but Jungkook will still always be my guy, you know?" You told him, pushing your hair out of your face.

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