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He stopped. I had caught his attention. "Let's go, okay?" My hand reached out for his. He turned around and took it, hesitantly.

    I held the hand intertwined with mine tightly as we walked to our dorm room. Neither of us broke the silence - we didn't need to. As we finally got to our dorm, I pulled the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I opened the curtains to let light flood in, though it wasn't much help. It was just five, but the the sun was hidden behind the clouds.

    We sat on our beds for a while. When his breathing was finally calmed down, he spoke. "Thanks...I wasn't thinking straight. I was just angry about..." He let his voice trail off.

    He didn't need to finish the sentence. It was understandable. He had been almost blinded by rage. But he was okay now, unharmed, and back in the dorms where I could talk to him about it.

    I reached over and put my hand on his head, petting him. It didn't necessarily surprise me when he stretched himself across the bed sideways and rested his head in my lap, but it wasn't very predictable either.

    Katsuki has some anger issues, that's obvious. He isn't very good at keeping his feelings under control. I kept petting his head. No worries, he has me around.

  "I'm here for you..." I looked into his eyes to finish the sentence, "Katsuki." That put a genuine smile on his face. Not some evil smirk or forced expression. He was actually smiling. He sat up, and due to his previous position he was sitting in my lap.

   Katsuki was sitting in my lap, smiling. He wrapped his arms around my waist and stuffed his head into my right shoulder. Is this considered cuddling? Can I make a move? Should I make a move?

  // POV Switch: Bakugou //

   I stuffed my face into Kirishima's shoulder. I don't want him to see this stupid happiness I can't wipe off my face. He wrapped his arms around my back.

  "Kiri, why are you so warm? Idiot."

I felt the little laugh he let out.


   I wish he would stop using my name like that. It makes me feel all warm inside. Ew. "What, hair for brains?" I loosened my grip around him to look at his stupid, beautiful face.

   Obviously, he was smiling too. "You should call me by my first name. If you know it, that is." Of course I knew his name. I felt my face getting warm, my smile growing wider.


   He looked into my eyes. Is he pouting? Fine. "...Eijiro."

   His smile got even brighter and bigger. It hurts my eyes. He tightened his arms around my waist.

I didn't have time to protest before he picked me up and set me on my back. He was hovering above me. Looking up at his face, I realized his bright smile had changed to a smirk.

   Not an evil smirk. He put a hand on my side, pulling himself closer. It was a deviant one.

He leaned closer to my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips met. Another wave of emotions flooded through me. I let myself fall into the trance Eijiro put over me, though I was soon awaken from it.

Someone was pounding on the door. Kirishima got up to answer it without thinking twice. As soon as he unlocked the door and turned the knob, a gossip hungry pink blob bursted into the room. Her eyes darted around the room until they met with mine. I shot up, trying to portray myself as angry.

"Hey, Mina. I was kind of in the middle of doing something, so can you come back later?"

   She turned around and squealed excitedly. "Yeah, it looks like you were in the middle of doing Bakugou. Hehe." I gave Eijiro a concerned glance. He simply returned the look.

She drowned the room in laughter. I grew tired of it. "Can you leave? I'm not in the best mood and tearing you apart sounds like a great way to blow off steam." She looked back at me, her dumb smile growing wider.

"Sorry, but I believe the only thing you'll be blowing off anytime soon is Kirishima!" I looked at Eijiro to see what he was going to do about the situation.

"Mina, please leave. He isn't feeling well." He was upset, looking at her like she had just ran over a puppy, and I was the puppy. She looked at him with a guilty look, most likely realizing the situation she had put us in.

   "Sorry. Have fun!" She abruptly left the room, closing the door behind her.

Eijiro walked across the room to my side of the bed to sit down. He grabbed my hands, pulling them away from my lap and holding them to his chest. "Sorry I opened the door. There will be no more interruptions."

   I laughed quietly and slid my hands up to the back of his neck. "Yeah, yeah. Eijiro."

    He placed his hands back on my waist as I pulled his face closer to mine. I relaxed as our lips met.

// POV Switch: Kirishima //

I don't want any more interruptions. I want to be alone with Katsuki. I want to focus on him right now. He needs to be shown affection, whether it be cuddling or kissing.

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