Monopoly Night With The Bois (and girl)

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"Hey bitches! It's Friday so you know what that means!" Edward said as he kicked the Assassin's Hideout's door open. Jacob and Evie were playing a very intense game of Minecraft, Ezio was reading teh Bible, Connor was desperately searching for Charles Lee, Altair was drawing a birdie, and Arno was trying to play my guitar. Wait...

How the hell did it get there?

Anyway, so it was a typical Friday night and and the Assassin's got together and played a game whether it was Poker, Blackjack, Solitare, Uno, Game Of Life, Minecraft, Operation, Candyland, Scrabble, Chutes And Ladders, Snakes And Ladders, or even Go-fish. They aren't very picky.

"Oh God not Friday!" Evie exclaimed.

"Don't be a downer sis! I think game night is bloody fun!" Jacob tried to lighten the mood.

"Last week you got piss faced drunk and couldn't remember the last few days. Not to mention you started a fight with Ezio, got your arse kicked, passed out on the game board, took off your shirt and danced on the table, and nearly got arrested." Evie explained.

"Anyway. What game is it this time Edward?' Ezio asked the pirate. I'll give you a hint: It's not the game that Spongebob, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs play in the one episode that eventually turns into a real pirate treasure hunt.

"If it's Uno I swear I'm gonna strangle you." Altair said. Arno told him that he doesn't want to see War after the last week's game night. Connor didn't care, he was still looking for Charles Lee.

"It's been breaking friendships since 1930 something...Monopoly Assassin's Creed edition!" Edward yelled to were someone told him to shut the fuck up. They then gathered in the middle of the floor to choose their characters.

"I get top hat!" Jacob snatched the top hat game piece. Nobody messed with teh top hat.

"I'll get the revolver. Bang bang!" Evie pretended to shoot the revolver game piece

(A/N: Did y'all hear that Monopoly is removing the thimble, shoe, and wheelbarrow? They are gonna replace it with a T-Rex, rubber ducky, and penguin)

"I get the cute game piece!" Ezio dived for the Ezio game piece.

"Back off the Altair game piece is mine!" Altair grabbed the Altair game piece.

"I want mine!." Connor picked up the Connor game piece with his nose.

"Bitches the sexy pirate is mine!" Edward snatched the Edward game piece.

"I'll take the French game piece." Arno grabbed the Arno game piece. They were given their money and now they are ready to play.

(Time skippity hop brought to you by Connor's search for Charles Lee)

They were two hours into the game because seriously this game takes forever. Connor rolled a 5, got a chance card, the card was to go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

"This is bullshit!" Connor exclaimed as he made his way into the graffitied jail box.

Poor Arno! He kept landing on everyone's property and eventually became bankrupt. He became so depressed that he collapsed on the game board.

"LIFE ISN'T FAIR!" He cried in the game board.

Everyone eventually became bankrupt. Except the Wonder Twins- I mean Jacob and Evie. Everyone kept landing on their property and became bankrupt. They were so happy that they suddenly got sunglasses and took their money and the bank's money. Evie thrown it on Jacob and Jacob thrown it on himself just to show that they are the best at this game.

"Bitch we are unstoppable!" They said.

"FUCK THIS GAME MAN!" Altair got so mad that he lost that he booked it outta the room.

"ForgivemelordforIhavesinnedbutPLEASEjustendthismadnessIwannagohome!!" Ezio just prayed for this madness to end.

Edward suddenly got a microphone and a camera appeared and he was live streaming this on the YouTubes.

"And we are live at the SCENE..!" He shouted into the microphone. It looked something like this...

 It looked something like this

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Yeah, typical Friday nights.

I might make this a short every Friday.

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