Tayler Holder

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Shit..... I looked at the test infront of me as I sat on the marble countertop of my best friends bathroom. I was terrified to flip it over. My best friend Jordyn was sitting outside the door waiting patiently in silence. I can't say I was suprised when I turned it over..... I had realized that this could be reality nearly a week ago but was just struggling to finally face the facts and find out. I'd only been with Tayler for a month I was only turning 16 in two weeks and he was 18 and out of school.

I met him through one of my closest friends Tamera who at the time Tayler seemed to like but that changed when he met me. It made things kind of though between me and Tamera for a while so I never ended up being anything more than Taylers friend until one day she changed her mind and realized she just wanted me to be happy. Tayler was such a fuckboy, constantly talking to different girls, never staying long enough to be in a real realationship and only ever wanted girls to sleep with them.

Id never thought I'd fall for such a player but I did and boy was I regretting it now. As I looked at the test I felt blank and I heard Jordyn open the door. We made eye contact neither of us saying a word and I just nodded my head tears building up in my eyes as she hugged me and she started crying to. I was pregnant. As if that wasn't bad enough it was also a week ago I found out that Tayler had cheated on me and kissed another girl who I knew called Chloe she was a major slut and I was hurt but not surprised by her.

I was so fucking hurt by Tayler tho I really thought Tayler had changed, everyone said it to me they have never seen him care about a girl forget about love them like how he loved me. I'd never been in a real relationship before either and I'd never even slept with anyone before him. All of my friends only met up with their boyfriends in a group situation and never really meant anything. Everyone wanted what Tayler and I had. We would walk for hours just talking until 3am, go on crazy adventures which ended up with us running from the cops, somehow climbing onto the roof of his house where we stayed all night just enjoying each other's company, staying in each other's houses for days on end when our parents weren't home, taking the train to random places across the country just to explore and I really and truly loved him but I guess he just didn't love me like I thought.

He apologized over and over again until one night I lost it with him and ended up saying something really hurtful and comparing him to his dad who walked out on him and his mom. We hadn't talked since and I didn't think he even wanted to talk to me. My first thought before anything was that I had to tell him and we could figure everything out from there. I stayed with Jordyn for around an hour before finally deciding to text Tayler.

i told him I really needed to talk to him that it was important. He read it and didn't reply so I tried to call him but that didn't work either. This was when reality started to kick in. I didn't have a mom around to help me take care of this kid or a dad. I lived my my aunt who only comes home once a month because she's always away on buisness. She wouldn't even care that I'm pregnant but definitely wouldn't help and I had no idea how to raise a kid. At this point I broke down into a panick attack. Everything went blurry and I felt like my throat was closing up the only one who ever seen me like this was Tayler and Jordyn had no idea what to do.

i don't know how long I stayed like that for but it was atleast 10 minutes until finally I heard a familiar voice that didn't belong to Jordyn. The calming words helped to slow down my breathing and soon I was back to normal. I looked forward to see Tayler with his arms by my sides kneeling down looking right into my eyes and I could see the fear and pain in them. I also noticed the heavy bags under his eyes that I've never seen before and noticed that they were bloodshot. He had his hood pulled up with his nose ring in and his hair was a bit of a mess but all I could feel was the need to hug him and so I did. He hugged me back and held me so tight that i felt the fear lessen for a split second before I realized I had to tell him.

Jordyn was stood crying in the corner of the room but was calming down now that I finally was to. After a minute she just gave me a reassuring smile and mouthing "tell him.." before walking out of the room. I stood up off the floor and wiped my eyes pulling up my hood and moving to sit on the couch the dim light coming from the corner of the room and the only sound coming from the tv. "Sit..." I said facing directly towards the other end of the couch and crossing my legs slightly (pic up above).

he faced me leaning back "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner....." he said inspecting every inch of my body. "I get it...." was all I said. "Tayler I need to tell you something". "Your scaring me Ky" he said looking at me more intensely now. Ky was his nickname for me short for Kylie. "I don't know how to say this......." I said tears welling up in my eyes once again. "Whatever it is it can't be that bad right? Come on it's fine" he said. "No Tayler you- you don't understand I-" I started but my voice just continued to shake. "Seriously Kylie spit it out" he was becoming impatient now typical Tayler. "Tayler I'm pregnant."

His face dropped and then changed to a confused expression before finally he just laughed. I was so confused. "Ahaha do you really think I'm going to fall for that, you made out to Tamera a few weeks ago you were to you just didn't sound this serious that was really funny tho, this not so much".

"would I really be this upset if I wasn't....". His expression changed again. "No way..... Ky your only 15 your still in school... are you sure, how do you know" he started rambling on standing up now towering above me I could tell he was just as scared as me by the what the fuck have I done look plastered across his face. "I took a test an hour ago I really am pregnant Tayler" I said. What he said next though really pissed me off "are you sure it's mine?". I let out a cold half laugh "you're kidding me right!? It's obviously yours there's no way it's not your your the only guy I've ever slept with". "Oh shit what the fuck have I done..... your still a kid! I could go to prison for this you get that right!?"

"Oh so this is my fault! The only reason I slept with you in the first place was because I thought you genuinely cared about me and I haven't had anyone who cares about me the way I thought you did since my mom died! Finally for once I didn't feel alone Tayler but I never wanted to get pregnant with a kid who's going to be born without a proper family! I love you so fucking much I would never want to do this to you or put you in this position because it's shit and I know that! It's fine Tayler you don't want me and you don't want this baby I can figure this out on my own why would you want to be stuck with a stupid bitch who got pregnant at 15 on purpose I mean what a slut right and not to forget you only see me as a worthless kid that's why you cheated on me with Chloe right! Because let's face the facts I'll never mean anything to anyone I shouldn't of told you about the baby because all I've done is shoved my way back into your life and ruined it I'm sorry Tayler! I'm so fucking sorry! Is that what you want me to say!" I sobbed uncontrollably during my rant.

He he looked at me he was crying now he stepped closer I ended up standing and pacing during my rant but was now still. I stepped away he was about to hug me. "Don't..... Tayler just don't. Don't give me false hope...." I said the tears slowing down now. Next thing I knew he went crazy in a rage and knocked everything off of Jordyns fireplace everything smashing as it hit the ground. I was scared I've never seen him like this. He shouted and turned to face me quickly making me jump.

He realized how much he was scaring me and his eyes softened. "Ky I'm sorry please don't be scared. I-I'm not trying to fuck you over I promise I know it sounds dumb but I'm just so scared of loving you. I've never loved anyone like I loved you before and it scared me because I was so afraid of losing you that I thought it would be better to push you away before you pushed me away because that would hurt so fucking much. I don't want you to feel alone I promise no more empty promises I want to be here for you and our baby. I'm so fucking sorry about Chloe and I know nothing I say can change that but I do love you Kylie and I know you must be so scared but I love you and I promise I'm going to be here every step of the way...."

Tayler Holder, Bryce Hall, Jaden Hossler and Josh Richards Imagines***Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt