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Jinyoung's POV
I don't think I have made a right decision. I shouldn't have come back at all. She looks so happy standing there talking to her best guy Im JB. She smiles so brightly. I have never seen her smiling like that in front of me before. A FLIRTY SMILE.
I stand here watching them talking smiling and giggling with each other for a few minutes without them noticing. It's very frustrated to witness such a scene in this early morning.
What's he doing here at this hour "I was wondering why is im jaebum here"
Suddenly JB notices me
Park Jinyoung "he called"
Why are you here ? "I walked toward them and asked him"
Is this how u greet people ? "He asked"
Answer my question "I demanded"
I come back from jogging. I pass by here and see nayeon so I stop by to talk to her "he finally answered"
You made her morning ! She looks so happy talking to you not only you but every rich guys "I said"
Stop hurting her with your words. "He said while nayeon standing there looking at me unbelievably"
Does she even know how hurt feel like ? She's a person with thick skin and a gold digger heart. My words won't be able to hurt her "I replied"
Park Jinyoung you "Jb suddenly punched me which caused me to fall on the ground"
I get up and punch him back immediately which cause him to fall on the ground too. His eyes are full of anger. His mouth is bleeding. He gets up and balls his hand. He's about to land his another punch on my face but nayeon stop him.
JB stop it. It's enough "she held JB's arm and asked him to stop"
He insulted u nayeon !!! "He said in disbelief"
It's okay. You should go now jb. Take care of ur wound on the corner of ur lip as well. "She demanded"
Fine. I warn you not to insult her again.  "he pointed at me and warn me. Then left"
Please go in. Your lip is bleeding. "she went inside and asked me to follow her"

Nayeon's POV

I'll go to take the first aid kit. Please sit here and wait for me "I said and he nodded"
He sits on the sofa staring at nothing. I guess he still can't believe that Jb did that to him. His eyes are full of anger. If JB hasn't left, they would kill each other already.
After finding the first aid box I bring it to the sofa and help him cleaning his wound.
Ahh "he grounded"
It's hurt "he added"
Sorry. I'll be more careful "I replied"
Why are you doing this ? "He asked staring into my eyes"
Do what ? "I asked looking at him back"
Help me heal my wound when I've just hurt you with my words. "He questioned"
Your words didn't describe me. I'm not the one who love money. My skin aren't thick either. That's why I didn't claim your words. "I replied confidently"
Think however you want. I want you to remember that no matter what you do you won't be able to change my hatred toward you "he warned me"
I've done doing my job. I'll go to my room now "I left him and went to my room"

I may look strong in front of you. I may look fine when you say those words to me , but deep inside my heart is aching so bad.
I hope you would change your mind someday Park Jinyoung.
"I cried trembly alone on the floor inside my bed room"
Today, the second day of our marriage. I was attacked by his harsh words again
"I continued crying and felt pity of myself"

Jinyoung's POV

First, you made me feel the love. Then you made me feel the hatred. After that you made me feel the anger. Slowly, I feel pity toward you.
What's this kind of feeling ?!

My Love My Life [I.NY & P.JY]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant