The meeting

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-Dad watch out!
As i woke up I started crying.
-Why?Why did you had to die?Why the acident is the only thing I rembember?

I tryed to relax myselfe while I was going to the kitchen.I set down on the table drinking a glass of water.

??? POV:
"I have to tell her.She has to know about her story."

-Son you have to eat now.
-Huh?!Yes,mom I will don't worry.

I have to meet her.I have to talk to her...


-Relax y/n.Relax.
As I relaxet myselfe I decidet to go for a walk.While walking I saw a face that looked so familiar.
"The boy in my dreams"-I thought.

??? POV:
After I finished eating I went out."How can I talk with y/n?Where can I find her?"

As I was walking I saw her.
"It's her.Should I go and talk to her?Why is she looking at me like that?She is coming closer.But why?"


-Hello!Can I ask you something?-I asked
-Sure.-the boy replyed
-Have we ever meet?
-Yes,I think we did.
-Are you called y/n?
-Yes.How did you know my name?
-I know your name becouse we had known each other since we were kids

I was so confused.How could we haf known each other?Why do I see him in my dreams?

-Look-I started talking-I know is going to sound weird but I had been seeing you in my dreams for a long time.
-It's not.And I had been following you for a long time.
-That's why I had been having a strange feling.Can I know you name?
-Well my name is Donald.

As he interduced his selfe a car stoped right infront of us.

-That's my parents car.I have to go but we'll meet again

As he said that he got in the car and desapeard.
Shoked of what happend I decidet to return home.

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