At the airport

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When Neal came down the stairs Peter was waiting by the front door. June's late husband's wardrobe was a dream. Neal was dressed in suit and hat like he walked right out from a movie from the 60th.

"You look like a cartoon" Peter remarked. Neal snorted. When it came to clothes Peter did not have a clue. All he saw was a suit outside of the standard grid. Guess he should be happy Peter saw anything but just another suit.

"This is classic Rat Pack. This is a Devore." The slim cut, the narrow tie, the fedora hat with its narrow brim. He played with it.

"Oh, sorry, Dino. Will you stop with the hat?" Neal grinned at him. "Come on. Let's go."

"You're upset." Neal knew he stated the obvious. He also knew why. "Sour grapes" he muttered.

"What was that?"

"Look, you tell me which rule I broke, and I will thumb it back to prison myself."

"For starters" Peter began as if Neal had actually done something wrong. But Peter had nothing on the list. It was empty and both of them knew it. Peter was not going to let it go.

"I work hard. I do my job well. And I don't have a 10-million-dollar view of Manhattan that I share with a 22-year-old art student while we sip espresso!"

"Why not?" Neal asked.

"Why not? Because I'm not supposed to. The amount of work I do equals certain things in the real world. Not cappuccino in the clouds."

That's why I got the winning ticket and not you, Peter, Neal thought. You don't get more than you aim for.

"I will find out where June buys her coffee-"

"It's not about the coffee."

"I think it is."

"No, it's not. This is what gets you into trouble. This is the start of those something-for-nothing schemes that lead to the frauds that got you locked up."

So he should have stayed in that smelly hotel to not get into trouble? He got caught because he could not stay away from Kate.

"I think it's some sort of Italian roast."

"Get in the car." It was something in Peter's tone. Besides, an order from Peter was an order.


Peter had a hard time fighting the jealousy. He had bought an expensive cup of shitty coffee on his way to pick up Neal just to find him drinking perfect coffee with a view over Manhattan. It was not as it was supposed to be. Not in his world. What had he thought would happen when he adopted a felon like Neal?

Peter collected his thoughts. Neal had been lucky and he should be happy for this. If it kept the kid from breaking any laws, fine. He stepped into the car beside Neal.

"Alright," he said as he started a new chapter of his day. As he drove he felt Neal's eyes upon him.

"We're going to the airport, right?"

"Yeah. They got a guy in custody on our request."

Neal sank back into the seat, relaxing.

"Where did you think we were going?"

"I don't know. Prison maybe."

Peter sent Neal a stare. Was this what Neal's world was like among the clouds? Always prepared for the worst?

"Neal, I'm not putting you back in prison just because you get better coffee than me."


White Collar: An unofficial novel - part 1Where stories live. Discover now