Chapter 13.5 - Others Perspectives

Start from the beginning

Chun Ho scratched his head and tried to remember as much detail as he can towards the mission.

'Let's see the mission had a time limit of 1 week, ah I pity Commander Guo who had to take in charge of the mission. The main task was to capture the people who help Zhu Huang escape along with Zhu Huang himself, which is in total 3 people. All ready personnel are to do the mission despite of which department they are....'

Chun Ho tried to think of the main reason why he was so about curious about it and then a light bulb lit up his head

'Ah, it was because it was the first time that the Org. posted a mission that high. It was a ranked SSS mission'


"Good work Commander Ling , you can go now"

Ling Fen bowed towards Commander Wang. And respectfully gave his good bye and left the room.

The door made a soft 'thud' as Ling Fen closed it. Upon exiting the room he let out a sigh and pushed up his glasses.

His footsteps echoed on the silent corridor. While walking thoughts drifts on his mind. Ling Fen suddenly stopped on his tracts when he felt his phone buzzed.

He took it out then opened the message to see the content of the text.

The content of the text the silver haired Commander received was a report that the Ye Jiang and the unknown person are detained within the infirmary while Zhu Huang is detained in another room away from the two.

Ling Fen's expression relax upon reading the message and placed his phone back on his pocket as he continued to walk.

'I don't exactly like Commander Guo but he's still a loyal subordinate to the President, we cannot lose him'

Ling Fen sternly thought then his mind drifted towards the man who was captured along with Zhu Huang and Ye Jiang li.

Ling Fen doesn't know much about the life of the president when Liu Wei was still young. The only one who knows the full story is Commander Wang and the old man wouldn't say a thing.

But he wasn't given the job of being the second in command for nothing.

Eversince the president found out about Ye Jiang Li being alive the man had a strange glint in his eyes that Ling Fen dare say looks like hope.

'So to make things clear I have to do more research'

While drifting in his thoughts and Ling Fen stopped when he finally arrived at the place he wanted to go to.

In the dark vast hallway only a single door was seen.

At the top of the door the words 'storage room' was written.

Ling Fen took out a key from his other pocket and inserted it to the lock. With a smooth 'click' the door opened.

The room was filled with papers and dust. Files, documents, and other types of papers were scattered all around the shelves. It was quite claustrophobic inside because of the small space. Beside the shelves is a small computer that was obviously not working anymore.

Ling Fen placed a handkerchief above his nose and walk carefully inside. On the wall, a clock was placed.

Ling Fen reached for it and placed the dusty thing in his hands. Ling Fen thanked the gods for letting him remember to wear gloves.

He moved the hands of the non-working clock to match the time 7:44 then placed it back towards the wall.

After 5 minutes a creaking sound appeared and the hands of the  clock started to rewind towards the time 12:59.

A hidden door opened like a sliding door in front of Ling Fen.

Ling Fen then walk towards the door. The room was as wide 5 office room combined. Everything was colored white and small metal lockers surrounded the walls.

He went towards the lockers at the right then opened the ones who had labels saying 10 yrs.

He took about 4 hours before Ling Fen manage to find the right locker.

He opened the file and the profile of someone was placed within.

The picture was of a man with a cold expression. He had short black colored hair which was tied by a yellow string.

The name of the man was Ye Jiang Li. And he was labeled as deceased.

He then opened the file next to Ye Jiang Li.

The man in the picture looked about the same age as Ye Jiang Li but looked a little more feminine.
The man had straight hair that reached his nape. With an expression just a little more indifferent than Ye Jiang Li. He too had his status in deceased.

But Ling Fen knew better since he just escorted this two men back to the AD Org. this morning.

The two files in his hand contained information about 2 deceased men from the AD Org. named Ye Jiang Li and Shen Mo.

Qînglī = Clean up
Guìzishou = Executioner
Gôngren = Worker
Jiàndié = Spy

Authors note//

If you guys have any question about the story you leave it the messages~ i'm currently hurrying since school is brutal.

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