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I walked in the trap and the smell of weed and pussy filled the room

The "trap" is my moms house . I callit that because once you get in there's old men trying to have sex with you and it takes you a while to get out.

I decided to take a walk outside because I just needed to reflect and clear my mind .


I noticed that I walked a little too much and it was getting dark . Before I could turn around I felt a bag swift over my head .

I gained conscience and noticed I was in a moving van. A nice one at that . Not the time . I know.

I screamed just to discover the tape over my mouth . The bug buff guy shot me a glance and chuckled.

I eyed him and said "what the fuck is funny?" Though muffled, it was still clear what I had said

"Ou feisty . Shotta ain't gone like that" shotta ? I thought to myself. Isn't that the biggest kingpin in new York ?

I hoped that it was another shotta .


"SHOTTA" the bug buff man yelled after we walked into a gigantic house that could be like 6 malls located in the middle of nowhere

He walked down his spiral stairs . His house was shaped like two extremely large rectangles and a long narrow hallway in the middle. I wonder if the hallway separates something .

"Blunt. My man . Thanks once again"

"She don't look like she belong in the prostitute unit . Leaves us one place to put her" oh noooooo

They walked into the main mansion where his day ones were. I'm not his motha fuckin day one the fuck.

We walked up the long spiral stairs and we walked into this huge room that was evenly divided. The room was so tall that in order for me to get to the window I would have to grow a few hundred feet.

The room was divided between me and this boy . He was so mfn fine .

He looked at me wit no expression and we told back to typing in his phone .

Mean ass.

I put my backpack Down and I noticed that I had all of my big ass books for all 4 classes I had. 

Thank god because I'm not going to be a dumb captive .

I decided since I'm going to be kidnapped , I would look around the house . To find my escape plan. As I was looking the door knocked but it's not my business to open it .

The big buff guy sighed as he opened the door . The now visible light skin maybe Hispanic , raggedy weave girl walked in and rolled her eyes at me.

"The fuck You tryna look at ? Yo eyebrows?" I asked her mean mugging 

She scoffed and went in the direction of my room . I walked around a little more until I got tired and went back up there. When I opened the door , I noticed the girl laying on my bed.


The second I said that word , Shotta busted in the room and said "you know what ? You got a lil ass back there so let's go to the prostitution unit"

I was speechless and couldn't move

"Hell nah" I kept repeating

Finally the bug buff guy that dragged me out there took me and drug me to the hallway .

I got tired of being dragged so I windmilled on his ass and he fell down.

I stood there with a mean mug on my face and my arms crossed because I noticed him locking the door that connected the hallway and the main unit a few minutes ago.

I knew I had no escape


He unlocked the door and quickly shoved me inside and locked the door

I was by myself .

I flashed out of my sorrow. When I noticed a light skin girl with an obvious plastic ass mean mugging me .

"Paper?" She asked me sticking her hand out . "Scissors bitch the fuck ? You Betta take yo green contact wearing ass on somewhere fo you turn me into rock." I snapped at her .

Ever since I fought Kori I feel like a new person.

"Ayo new girl chilll!" This tall brown skin man said as he approached me.

I scoffed hearing him call me new girl . Like I was gone be here forever. Got me fucked up

"I'll show you to the bedroom ." He said walking through the prostitution unit which smelled more of weed and pussy than my mommas house

He finally approached this room that had a pink glittery sign on it that said Chanels

I noticed rooms like that one while walking through here that said Gucci and other designer brands

I walked in this room that had 3 giant ass bunk beds with a good 11 girls laying on it counting they money .

I walked over to them and introduced myself

"Um I'm Kamari don't fuck with me Edwards"

This girl came out from the back and said

"Hi boo. Welcome to Chanels . In this room, we only wear Chanel when we strippin so that explains the name ."

"Strippin? So why is this called the prostitution unit?" I asked her . Not that I wanted to be a prostitute or a stripper at that . Just curios.

"The prostitution unit is right next to ours" she explained

I noticed a glass door that separated these girls from the outside,Where I spotted a large black building not to far away from here .

"Don't even try !"The girl said "there's a camera in here and it will beep ."

I backed away and sat in one of the bunks .

"I sighed and thought about Sierra" hopefully she's all good

I Snapped our of my daze and realized I didn't even have Chanel

The second I said that shotta came through the door and brought me back to the main house .

"Okay this the last time ima change my mind you staying here"

At this point I was mad and I walked into the original room to see the girl riding that fine ass nigga .


Still mad I slam the door to make my presence known

Angry in her melanin Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora