Chapter 11-Back To Reality.

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Chapter 11

Jenni’s POV.


I slam my book bag on the desk. I refrain from sighing out loud.

“Long day?”

I turn around and Jared walks in the living room with a book in his hands, looking concerned.

“Sorry for the ruckus. Yeah, it was a long day.” I collapse on the closest chair near me. Jared walks to the couch and is instantly surrounded by books and papers. I felt a rush of compassion for my brother. The usual tidy living room area was surrounded by piles of Jared’s books and papers.

“How’s the grading coming?”

Jared picks up his red pen and grabs a paper from the huge pile on the table. He shakes his head and looks down at the book for reference. “I have a lot of kids to see after class tomorrow. They don’t know their French.”

I refrain from smiling. “There only core French kids. Cut them a little slack.”

He gives me a “don’t mess with me look, since you don’t have to deal with them every day.” He chucks a crumpled paper ball at my head.

I smile and dodge it easily. “I think you lost your sense of humour somewhere in those piles of papers.”

Before I knew it Jared sling shot two pens at my head. I duck out that room before the pens hit the wall, and the house is filled with Jared's laugher. 

.  .  .  .  .  .

Something vibrated on my desk disrupting my thought on a question for stats. I shuffle through papers on the old worn out desk. “Unbelievable.” I mutter, chucking some of the clutter on the ground. My desk was looking like Jared’s desk in the living room.

I find it peeking underneath my formula sheet for stats. I click a button seeing the text is from Nathalie.

Nat-9:38PM- Hey girl! Just checking up on you making sure you’re still alive.

I find myself smiling.

Jenni-9:40PM- Hey Nat, I’m alright. Just trying to stay alive from all the assignments. I can’t wait until this semester is done! How’ve you been?

Nat-9:41PM- I’ve been alright. How’s the Tyler situation?

I rolled my eyes. Nat was always so blunt, which made me like her even more as a friend. I found myself staring at my blackboard in front of me. I stuck a picture of myself and Tyler smiling goofily at the camera from the beach. It gave me butterflies just thinking of him.

Jenni-9:46PM- He’ll be coming in the city tomorrow. He’s excited to be done work.

Nat-9:49PM- Well I hope we can hang out this weekend. I know you need a break in stats and I need a break from geology. And you girlie, I want details! Maybe to finally meet this mystery guy? ;)

I smile at my cell reading Nat’s texts and placed my cell on my desk. I lean my head back in my chair and twirled my hair with my finger. I refrain from sighing realizing my brain was going to go back to mush mode. In other words-thinking hopelessly about Tyler.

Truth be told, I didn’t know where Tyler and I stood. He gives me butterflies and goose bumps all at the same time. It was obvious that he likes me.

I look at my desk covered with papers and books. It was two weeks since ‘the kiss’. We haven’t talked about what happened at his farm since I came back to the city for school. Sure we text every once in awhile, but nothing in deep context.

 It was only three weeks into the semester and my head was already buried with tests and assignments. When did I have time for a boyfriend?

I lead my gaze back to the picture.

Just what did Tyler think of ‘us’ or me now?

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Tyler’s POV

Thank god the summer is officially over. I fold the t-shirts and lay them carefully in my worn out duffel bag. It was holey with lots of colorful patches, and my mother wants to chuck the tired bag out the window. We go through the same conversation every time I come home to visit.

“Honey, you need to let this bag go. It’s getting ridiculously ratty.”

“It’s not ratty, yes it’s old. But I like it that way.”

“You like it now, but I swear it’s going to create a huge hole and all your things will hit the floor before you know it!”

“It’s been with me all around Europe. It has good memories attached to it.”

Her eyes stare at me like I’m still a little child in her mind. But they soon warm up and she lets it go.

“You’re like your father. He can’t give up those damn socks of his and I’ll never understand.”

I hug her and the smell of cookies and bread overtake my nose. Mmm, cinnamon and flour.  

I kiss her forehead. “It’s a male thing.”

She laughs and ruffles my hair. “Just wait, one day it’ll break and you’ll be coming to me to get a new bag!”


After two hours of packing clothes and items that I needed for the city, I was close of being done. It was becoming a long day and clearly I wanted new scenery then the red walls of my room. It was going to be a long tomorrow to get back to the city.

I go to my desk to see if I missed anything and suddenly bump into my chair. The force from the chair bangs into the desk and it creates an avalanche of papers and dvd’s that I left in a pile. I sigh in frustration and fell to my knees to clean up the mess.

I was piling up the numerous dvds in lightning speed not really caring about the titles until one familiar one caught my eye. My breathing suddenly becomes irregular and my heart skips a beat.

Alice In Wonderland staring right at me in my hands.

One person came to mind. Jenni... Cuteness.. Lovely..

I close my eyes suddenly missing her. Missing her warm brown eyes staring into mine. Her long mane of hair that always smells so sweet and delicious that it made me smile. Her soft lips and kisses made my heart skip immensely crazy than usual.

My arms felt empty without her here. God, I miss her.

Texting and calling every few days just wasn’t the same. I couldn’t wait to finish work to finally be free to get back in the city to see a friendly face. I did not want to make it a summer fling. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I did not want to hurt Jenni. 

I open my eyes and stare at the dvd cover. It brought me back Jenni’s birthday when I brought her to the farm. All the events happened that night came rushing back. I smile wide remembering every single detail.

Jenni certainly did have me under a spell. No other girl has made me feel so nervous to kiss. Not saying that I'm an expert at kissing the opposite sex, but Jenni... Jenni is different than other girls. Most definetly different than Carsey.. Carsey.. my ex girlfriend. The girl that took my heart. The one that crushed me deeply...

No, I can't think like this. I shake my head. I picture Jenni again.

Maiden.. Soft skin.. So real in my eyes. 

I certainly adore her. I like her a lot. I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow morning.

But there’s only one problem....











I haven’t told Jared that I might be falling in love with his younger sister. I'm lying to my best friend. How am I not going to hell for this?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2012 ⏰

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