Chapter 30

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As Bucky and Barney chased after the agents, both knew their main goal was to protect Hawkeye.

"I'm faster. I'll get to Clint; you take out the guards," Bucky ordered.

"Are you kidding? Clint is my brother!" Barney argued back.

"For gosh sakes!" Bucky shouted.

"We found the kid!" an agent confirmed.

"Let me go!" shouted Clint, kicking and screaming.

"Clint!" Barney and Bucky shouted at the same time.

As the agents jumped out of the window with Clint, Bucky followed after. There was a ship at the bottom. He missed the landing but managed to grab onto the half-closed door. His metal arm tried to pry the door open. As the ship was about to take off, there was a loud clang. The ship jolted back as something seemed to hold it back.

Bucky looked to see Barney had shot arrows at the ship. Then he shot the arrows into the wall.

"That won't hold it; get Clint and get out!" Barney shouted.

Bucky nodded. He ripped part of the door off and crawled inside. Agents aimed their guns at Bucky, but one had their gun aimed at Clint.

Clint looked scared. Bucky held his hands up to show he didn't want trouble.

"Bucky?" Clint whined.

"Shhh, it's okay," Bucky said, looking at the agents with anger.

That's when Clint found a wrench. Without looking and without anyone paying attention, he covered his eyes and threw it. It hit the controls, destroying them, then bounced off the walls, hitting every armed agent. Bucky caught the wrench with his metal arm.

As the agents lay there in pain, Bucky only smirked. He picked up young Clint and kicked the rest of the door down. The ship started to fall to the ground.

"Bucky?" Clint was even more scared.

"It's okay, hold on tight. We're going to jump," Bucky assured, even though he wasn't sure himself.

Bucky bent his legs and jumped at the wall as the ship started to fall to the ground.

Bucky clung to the wall with all his strength. That's when two grappling lines came down. Then Clint caught a glimpse of Iron Man racing down to catch the ship. He managed to catch it before it crashed to the ground.

"Hello, buddy," Barney smirked.

Barney and Natasha were on both sides of Bucky and Clint. Bucky handed Clint to her. Bucky grabbed onto Barney's rope, and they all made their way back up to the building.

"Yay!" Clint beamed.

"Let's get this done with," Bruce groaned.

"Is Shuri okay? What happened to Pants?" Clint asked.

"He Hulked out, my friend," Thor chuckled.

"Shuri is fine, just a bump on the head," T'Challa assured.

The Avengers entered Shuri's lab.

Shuri smiled at them. "Okay, Clint. Ready?"

Clint nodded.

"Will he remember?" Wanda asked.

"No," Shuri sighed.

"But I don't want to forget!" Clint protested.

"Hey, I'll still be here. Plus, it'll be one heck of a story to tell you," Barney watched his language.

Clint gave his brother a hug; Barney hugged back.

"I'll need you all to stand outside except the doctor," Shuri ordered.

Everyone stepped outside. Everyone paced, especially Bucky.

"He'll be okay," Steve assured.

The doors opened, and a full-grown Clint stood before them. He wore some black pants but nothing else.

"Clint," Natasha ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hey, Nat," smiled Clint.

"Clint?" Barney went up to his brother.

"Barney?" Clint stared.

Barney held his hand out to his brother. Clint took it. Barney pulled Clint into a man hug.

Clint hugged back.

"Hey, brother," Barney smirked.

"Hey, brother," Clint smiled back.

After a few hours of explaining, the Avengers decided to leave. Bucky stayed behind; Barney stole one of Wakanda's ships. But no one cared... yet.

As they flew back, the Avengers were silent.

"Well, it has been good to see you back," Thor smiled. He smacked Clint's back, and a grunt escaped from the archer's mouth.

"Yeah, uh, why were we in Wakanda?" Clint asked.

"Oh, this is going to be good," Tony smirked. "So you were..."

"Avengers, we have a code red in New York. The threat: Loki," said Maria Hill.

"That will have to wait," Steve chimed in.

Clint grabbed his bow and put his quiver on his now-uniformed body. "Avengers Assemble," Clint smirked.


Thank you all for reading!

Love you all...

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