Chapter Three - Dragons Do Not Go With Vases

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[this chapter is brought to you by the same person it has been for the last couple of shit chapters lmao but jokes aside, the perspective is in Pat's, cause I feel like there's not enough character development in him, so yeet]

[Another note from future me continuing the writing of this, it's not edited so expect wattpad fanfic  worthy grammar lol]

I was walking through the rooms for fun, since no one was online- or at least anyone who was active. Damit had mentioned that he wasn't going to be online for the next couple of days, giving the Yakuza family the excuse that he was going on a trip. Damit was always on Discord anyways, so I thought that a break from the internet was probably for the best. 

I walked down the hallway that the main channels branch off from. Paintings adorned the walls. Uh, correction: used to. Some of the paintings were... nsfw, so it was either walk down the hallway with a blindfold or take them down. Being sensible people, we decided on the more convienent option. Walk down the- no we took the paintings down.

Until one day, Cro decided we should put at least something on the walls, since the nails were still stuck in the cream coloured walls. Impossible wanted memes on the walls, and naturally, Skilled did too. But then Damit argued that we would have to constantly change it because otherwise we would look like normies. Dragon and I agreed with Damit, so what did that leave us with? Nothing, actually...

The walls are still blank.

I drew my attention away from the wall and looked at the objects scattered down the long(ish) hallway.

A long, white, wooden table that was placed on the side of the hallway drew my eye. 

On the table perched a marble vase which had a wide variety of flowers that were artistically placed, each flower carefully positioned to capture its' beauty. 

How do I know? Dragon knocked it over while escaping from Kuddles' wrath after calling him a furry.

Kuddles was a 16(ish) year old male, who was constantly being teased about being a furry. It was mostly  from his name, which  gives off a... furry vibe.

Thankfully, the glazed vase had only tipped over and not fallen off the table, resulting in only a slightly chipped vase instead of a million pieces of shattered remains. Dragon had helped me put the flowers back hastily, but I had rearranged them after she left because it didn't look right in the grand house where everything was perfect. 

I bent down and studied the vase. I didn't pick it up for obvious reasons. 

A small chip was visible on the lip of the vase, but the vase had been turned to make the chip at the back, basically invisible to someone viewing it from the front.

I looked at the black roses in the vase. Wait weren't there other flowers in there too? I never saw black roses when I was re-

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