Chapter One - Skilled? Impossible!

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The Yakuza family were all together, for the most part. As usual, they were talking about questionable topics.

"Bananas do not go with soup, Cro."

This came from Dragon, who was perched on the end of a chair. Pat was sitting on the actual chair, with Cro seated in an identical chair opposite the two.

Damit was in the room next door, gambling away his money- and getting it back.

Skilled was on the ground cross-legged, next to the stone fireplace, with his yellow bird fursuit laid across his lap.

Impossible was also sitting on the ground, next to Skilled. The 13-year-old American boy was leaning on Skilled's shoulder and was in a considerably better mood than without Skilled by his side (w h e e z e).

"Everything goes with soup!" Cro cried enthusiastically.

Pat shook his head and sighed. "Smh (my head) Cro, we're not all Croatians who love soup."

 "That's a blatant racist lie!" Cro exclaimed.

"Yeah, but still not defamation," mumbles Dragon.

A comfortable silence fell on the group like a blanket. Dragon absently fiddled with her headset. With a cutting-edge design that seemed to come from the abyss, the groups' headsets looked good according to their owners while being fully functional. If sold on the market, it probably would've fetched a large sum of money (I sound like an advertiser right now lol). An alloy metal frame connected two pastel blue earbuds (they sound lame but they aren't, I might draw it later on) that covered each ear, with a small microphone arm in front of her mouth.

(Because I want to make things harder for myself,) Each person's headset was different according to their preferred style. For example, Damit had traditional green and aqua headphones and a microphone attached to his shirt. Skilled had traditional headphones as well (with the microphone connected to the headphones though), but it was blue and had adorable fluffy cat ears attached on the top.

Cro and Pat both had more modern headsets, with Cro's being only metallic orange ear buds and a small black microphone clipped to his clothing and Pat's being a similar design, but with metallic blue.

Meanwhile, Skilled and Impossible were whispering to each other. Impossible was grinning like an idiot. 

Dragon chuckled at the sight of the two. "I totally ship you guys right now."

Pat nodded. "Me too."

"Same," adds Cro, forgetting the debate they were having before.

The duo (lingo) scowled, almost simultaneously. Dragon had to withhold a small laugh at the comical timing.

"What are you laughing at?" Skilled said.

"N-nothing..." Dragon said, silently wheezing.

The others caught on shortly after, joining Dragon in her fit of quiet laughter.

"Seriously guys, what's the joke? And don't woosh me..." said Impossible.

"It's really nothing..." said Pat, still silently laughing.

At that point, the door opened, and a voice echoed over the PSA announcer (thing whatever).

"DoubleHelix has just joined this server," it booms throughout the entire house.

A black shadow appeared in front of the entire group. Dragon raised her eyebrows in shock.

"What in the goddamn world?..." she whispered.

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