Chapter 2

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I appeared behind a few trees, beside the bus stop. I held my bags in hand, walking over to the bus, and stepping inside.

I sat down, looking at a picture of everyone secretly. I smiled, hugging it to my chest.

"NEXT STOP FATE CITY!!" The bus driver yelled.


I sighed, stepping off the bus with my bags in hand.

'Jeez that was a long ride...'

Now your probably thinking, 'Why did she take the bus when she could have teleported?', well think about it for a second. Does father teleport to places he's never been? No, because he doesn't know his surrounds very well, I do the same.

I walked into the forest beside the city, out of sight. I dropped my bags, letting my tendrils carry them while I pull out a map, looking for the address father had given me.

I grumbled, carrying my bags inside the mansion.

"Why must father always find some way to get criminals attention" I groaned.

I looked around, shutting the door behind me, "Though it is a pretty nice place..."

My tendrils instantly opened my bags, putting things in their places as I walked around.

((Their putting stuff in places she passes, just telling you incase I confused you))

After my video chat with everyone, I went into the largest bedroom. Grabbing my final bag with all of my clothes. I opened it and gasped.

"No... way..." I giggled, pulling out the outfit and running to the bathroom.

I came out with a smirk. I wore a dress, the straps resting on my shoulders. It was black with rainbow polka dots, just like Uncle Splendy's suit. I had black lace gloves, and a black fedora clearly from Uncle Offender. I smiled, pulling out the shoes. They LOOKED like normal black heels, but they weren't~

I put them on with a grin, they turned (f/c) as I strut around the room, these were obviously from Uncle Trendor. That's when I saw it... a beautiful necklace, littered with jewels... especially (your birth stone). 

I looked in the mirror as I put it on, smiling softly.

"Thanks... dad..." I whispered.

I then looked at myself in the mirror again, doing a little twirl. I nodded in approval, then let my tendrils return inside my back.

"Lets do this" I smirked, walking to the front door. I opened in and walked out, locking it behind me. Then something red caught my attention...

A ribbon rested underneath the doors of the... garage. I saw it earlier but didn't pay any attention to it. I ran over to the red ribbon, opening the garage.

I covered my mouth a squealed. A black motorcycle rested infront of me, (f/c) flames painted onto it.

I ran over, turning the keys that rested in the ignition. I drove into the driveway, shutting the garage. I revved the engine, getting the attention of surrounding people. I held my fedora with a smirk, then drove off.

"THANK YOUUU FAMILY!!!" I yelled, revving the engine again.

More people looked at me, pulling out their phones, taking pictures. Some guys whistled as I passed, I just ignored them. Then... sirens...

After my joyride, and escape from the cops!! I went home, and since it still wasn't dark, I decided to visit a nearby park.

I walked around, passing loving couples and happy children...

I drooped, it reminded me of home, but I perked up as a kid ran up to me. She held a superhero doll in one hand, and villain one in the other.

"Want to pway wif me?" She smiled, holding a doll out for me.

Her parents ran over, apologizing for their daughter 'rude behavior'. I giggled, waving it off.

"No its fine, I used to babysit kids all the time" I smiled.

They smiled back, taking their daughter some where else. Something on the ground caught my eye, making me look on the ground.

'The girl dropped one of her dolls...'

Sure, I'm a killer, but I have a soft spot for kids because they all find a way to remind me of Sally...

I picked up the doll and ran in the direction the girl and her parents went. Once the came into view, I returned the doll and then left the park.

'Today was a good day'

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