Chapter nine

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I'm currently sitting on the couch watching Becky and my brother sucking the daylight out of each other.

Go get a room,I throw the pillow I was holding at them.

Dan chuckled as he let go of Becky.

I gave them a disgusted look.

Oh God,my virgin eyes,I said covered my eyes.

Becky rolled her eyes at me,she placed herself comfortable on Dan lap.

I was about saying something when a knock at the door stopped me.

I stood up to check who was at the door but my brother beat me to it running to open the door.

I looked over his shoulder to know who was that,to my surprise it was Jason looking nervously at my brother who was glaring at him.

You said you were going to give him a chance,I frowned at him.

Fine,he said coldly before moving out of the door for Jason to enter.

I hugged him before facing Jason who was smiling awkwardly at me.

I smiled at Jason as I pulled him inside my room.

Leave the door open,I heard my brother scream at me.

I chuckled as I sat on my bed leaving the door opened as Dan wished.

Thank you,Jason laughed shyly.

My brother can be a dick sometimes but he is the sweetest person you have ever known,I smiled.

I heard that,my brother said from outside my room.

Stop listening to people's conversation,I chuckled.

Breakfast is ready,and Jason you are not eating breakfast with us,he said coldly before leaving my room.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

I pulled Jason to the kitchen before he could protest.

Bread and jam,I asked slightly disappointed.

Yeah,Becky sigh.

I sat down with Jason as I ignored the cold glare my brother was giving to him.

Stop,I yelled at him.

I need to talk with you,Jason said nervously.

We all turned to stare at Jason.

Okay,my brother murmured as he eat his bread.


I don't know why he wants to talk with me but it must be for something good since he is scared of me.

Anna gave me a don't try anything stupid look as she pulled Becky out of the kitchen with her.

I turned to face Jason who was giving me a blank expression.

So,I raised a brow at him.

I know you hate me,and I'm the last person you want to trust right now,Jason said boldly.

You can say that again,I said under my breath.

But believe me,Sam and ruby are planning something but I don't know what,I kinda over heard them talking about a pregnancy and I knew they were taking about Becky.

Shit shit shit

The nervous of those bastard,I hit the wall leaving a little crack on it.

Jason was surprised at my action as he cleared his throat.

Sorry,I murmured.

If we can work together I'm sure Sam and ruby won't be able to get Becky or Anna,Jason said.

I thought this over and beside he is friends with them.

I'm ready to lose my friendship with them in other to protect Becky and mostly Anna,Sam and ruby are not worth it,he spat angrily.

I was surprised at what he said and that made me what to trust him but I can't do that so easily.

Okay,on one condition, I smiled.

He looked at me confused,what condition.

You are not allowed to date my sister until those bastard are taken care of,I said.

He thought about it for a while.


Good,I smirked.

Becky POV

Me and Anna have been listening to Dan and Jason conversation.

After Jason had made the deal with Dan,I looked at Anna who looked hurt by her brother's action.

I hugged her tightly.

Its for the best,I whispered.

I could hear her sobbing,and it broke my heart,I don't know why Dan is doing this, he doesn't know his actions is hurting his little sister.

I sigh as I took Anna upstair to have some rest.

I went back to the kitchen after I was sure that Jason has left.

Hey babe,Dan stood up coming to hug me.

I pulled back before he could come close to me.

What's wrong,he asked confused.

Do you really think your actions are worth it,Dan you are hurting your sister,can't you let her be happy,I know you are doing it to Protect her but you have gotten far with this,I yelled at him.

I knew he was shocked by my outburst but someone needs to talk some sense into him.

I'm sorry,he whispered.

Don't apologize to me,go and apologize to Anna and until she forgives you and not sleeping in your room.

His mouth dropped open.

It will take years for Anna to forgive me,he cursed under his breathe but I heard him.

Then I won't sleep with you until she does,I said turning around making my way to Anna's room.


They have been listening on my conversation with Jason.

God what am I going to do now,I'm only doing this to protect Anna but I think I did it the wrong way.

I'm not sure how I'm going to get her to forgive me now my sweet Becky is mad at me.

I sigh as I made my way to my room,I checked Anna's room to see her sleeping with tears on her cheeks and Becky sleeping close to her.

Jason isn't the one breaking her heart,he isn't the one making her cry,I am.

I'm the reason why Anna is so broken and I need to fix it even if I'm going to go back on my words,she deserve to be happy.

I went to my room thinking about Anna but also Sam and ruby who are still trying to harm Becky.

I'm going to deal with them once I lay my hands on them.

As for Anna if its Jason she wants,then its Jason she gets.




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