⚊ ch. 2, it's over, isn't it?

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it's over, isn't it?



Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.


❝so...it's really over?❞


Jane rolled around in her bed with a groan. She forgot to close the curtains last night. "Ughhh...DAMN YOU SUNLIGHT!" she exclaimed as she slumped out of bed. 

"If only I had powers to help me do stuff with my mind," she sighed before chuckling, "Ha. As if that could happen."

Grabbing her phone with a yawn, the brunette left her room and went into the bathroom of her loft apartment. 

One Unread Message

Jane quickly opened up the message, expecting it to be her usual good morning text from Mike.  But she was only met with disappointment when she realized it was just her dad, Jim Hopper. 

Sure, she loved Hop, he was the man who adopted her and raised her as his own, but she still felt disappointed. Mike hasn't sent her her usual good morning text in almost 3 weeks. It was strange and unusual and it worried her. He's been acting so different.

Jane sighed and sent her dad a reply. As she brushed her teeth, she thought about whether to confront her wayward boyfriend about his unusual ways. She decided that tonight when they have dinner at her place, she'll ask about it. It couldn't be anything bad right?


With a pep in her step and a smile on her face, Jane got ready to face the day! But, as much as she tried to have a positive attitude, it seemed like this day, this particular Wednesday, was not going her way.

All her hot water had stopped working, her kitchen sink broke, she missed the bus, was late to work (she works as the personal assistant to a big company CEO named Dustin Henderson), spilled coffee on her white blouse, a bird pooped on her, and one of her heels broke on her way home.

Finally, she was home and hopefully, nothing else would go wrong for the rest of the night. 
Sadly, once again, she was mistaken.


"Wait, what!?" Max exclaimed as she looked at her boss, Keith, who was just eating a bag of Cheetos.

"I'm sorry, but, you gotta go," he said with a mouth full. Max was in utter shock. They were firing her for no reason

Max had been working at 'The Palace', an arcade, since she was 18. She loved the games and thought it would be cool to get paid to play video games and help out kids.

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