⚊ ch. 2, it's over, isn't it?

Start from the beginning

"So, I'm being fired for no fucking reason?? What the fuck, Keith??" she was beyond pissed. This was the only job she knew. 7 years of working here, for fucking nothing.

"Look, I told you, we're doing a downsizing-"

"This is an arcade, not 'The Office' !! You don't do downsizing!!" she yelled. "Fuck you and this arcade!" she grabbed her bag and started to walk out the door.

She stopped, "But before I go," Max walked back to Keith and snatched his bag of Cheetos out of his hands, "I have literally only seen you eat Cheetos for 10 years, Keith. Get some help, you weirdo." she rolled her eyes and left the building.

Was she going to miss this job? Of course! She had grown to love what was only supposed to be a part-time job. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. Looking for a new job was now on Maxine Mayfield's agenda.

Grabbing her phone from her bag, she called Lucas, he'd calm her down. 

... this call has been forwarded to an automated voice message. At the tone please begin your message-

'That's weird. Another voicemail.' Max thought. This wasn't the first time that Lucas hadn't answered her calls. Sure, it didn't really upset her that much at first, but it had become too frequent nowadays. It's like he was avoiding her, without really avoiding her.

'I'll ask him about it tonight.' they were supposed to have their movie night so, she assumed it'd be a perfect time. 

"At least this day couldn't get any worse," she mumbled.

Oh, how wrong she was.


When Jane arrived back home to her cozy apartment, she let out what she had been holding in all day. A good scream.


Sighing, she dropped her stuff in the middle of the floor and went straight to the bathroom. Peeling off the clothes of the day and hopping into a cold shower to wash away all her frustrations. 

Would a hot shower make her feel so much better? Yep, sure would. But her hot water was off so she had to deal with it. 

"It can't get any worse, it can't get any worse, it can't get any worse, it cannot get any worse," she repeated to herself as she washed. 

Finally, after drying herself off, she put on some comfortable, yet cute clothing. Grabbing her phone to check social media, Jane was greeted with a notification instead.

One Unread Message

Mikey💛: on my way there now 
sent at 6:54 pm

Jane looked at the clock. 7:10. "Hm. He should be here by now-"


"Oh! There he is," with a smile plastered on her face, Jane quickly walked to the door. Opening it she was met with hazel eyes and freckles. "Hey, babe," she said sweetly, going in for a kiss, but actually just got an awkward chuckle and a kiss to the forehead.

Mike walked past her into her apartment while she just sorta stood in her own doorway, with puckered lips. Jane crinkled her eyebrows and unpuckered her lips.

'Why didn't he just kiss me? Why did he kiss my forehead?? What in the blue fuck is going on here??' she thought as she closed her door and walked into her kitchen.

As the two made dinner and had small talk, Jane continued to think about Mike's behavior and realized it was really unsettling. If she didn't say anything during dinner it was gonna eat her up.

Sitting at her small table, both, Jane and Mike, picked at their food in silence. A lot of thoughts were running through their heads. 'Maybe he's just finally gonna take me into the bedroom. We've been dating for almost a year now. ' Jane thought.

'Yeah, maybe that's what's up. He's probably just really nervous around me nowadays because of that.' Jane really thought she had it all figured out. Her mind was finally at ease. 

"I.... I have something important to say." Mike finally spoke up. Jane looked up at him, "Um, go ahead, baby," she gave him a small smile. 

Mike gulped, "I think we should break up"

Those words. Those horrible, terrible words.

They rang in Jane's head, over and over and over again as her smile quickly disappeared. Her worst fears were coming true.

She heard her fork hit the floor but she didn't react. She felt the tears well up in her eyes but she didn't react. She felt the lump in her throat but she didn't react.

"W-what?" she asked quietly, "What did you just say?"

"I-I'm so sorry. I just think we should see other people."

And that. That is what put her over the edge. 

Waterfalls and waterfalls of tears streamed down her face, ruining her mascara. Rivers of black rained down Jane's pale face. 

"But why? D-Did I do something wrong? Could I have done better?" she asked in between sobs. Her body racked and shook with pain as she attempted to wipe away the tears that just kept coming down. 

Mike immediately wrapped his long arms around her, starting to get teary eyed himself, "No, no. There was nothing you could have done. I'm so sorry, Jane." Mike whimpered as he held her close.

They both sank to the floor, holding and hugging each other, enjoying each others embrase for the last time.

Jane pulled away and wiped her tears, "So...its really over?" she asked quietly. Mike sniffed and nodded, "I really do love you and I'm so sorry, but yeah. I just don't think I can do this anymore..."

Jane nodded before standing up. Mike helped her clean up their half eaten food. She walked him to the door, "Hey, before you go, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure, anything."

"Was there someone else?"

Mike froze before running a hand through his black hair, "Y-yeah..." Jane nodded, "Give her my best wishes,"

"Its actually him."



I was actually getting teary eyed just from writing it, oof

I'll see you guys in the next update! Byeeee!!



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