Chapter 1 Fate or Chance?

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A sudden role of thunder rumbled, like the beating of a 1,000 drums, as she slowly opened her weary eyes. Just then a flash of light penetrated its way through the shrill, open window. A sudden gasp overwhelmed her as she gazed upon a strange looking creature figure lurking in the shadows of her gloomy room. For a moment she was stunned but quickly and cautiously unravelled herself from her dreams and set foot on her unsympathetic floor boards. She sluggishly tip toed her way to the opposite side of the room; making sure her gaze was never broken from the beastly shadow. An icy wind through her hair, uncontrollably, across her face. A panic struck her like a bolt of lightning as her eye contact was now broken. She desperately scrambled to scoop her silky, long brown hair out of her vision to check the progress of her pursuer. 

At that single moment her heart stopped, like a marching army had just been called to a halt. The meek girl gripped tightly on the frost bitten window frame as her deadly fate was revelling itself right before her very own eyes! A ghastly claw emerged itself from the pessimism of the bedroom. She tried maintaining her clam sense of mind but tragically backfired in hastening her heart rate and sweating like she was in sweltering lava. The feeble girl somehow knew that this was only the start of this tragedy which was bestowed before her. More and more fragments of their being where being appearing in her eyes. As they edged ever nearer towards her; she strained her mind rapidly brain storming possibilities to conclude this big bang situation. She revolved her body to see what she could perhaps do next.

Just then an idea popped into her head. Without a second thought she jammed her head out if the frost bitten window to realise her only exit. Just then another figure in the distance seemed to be approaching but without any haste. However this individual almost looked human like! Without warning a flood of memories renewed its self in her mind. Her jawed dropped. Her tiny fingers began to tremble. “That can’t be…” she mumbled. It was that life changing dream she had before she woke. Something she is reliving at this very single moment.

In that dream she woke just the same as she did in reality. She saw creatures and felt paralyzed only by gazing upon them. She searched for an exit and concluded that the window was the only way out. After, she saw a human like figure however as it grew closer it seemed to be a middle-aged teenager (around her own age). Without warning she swirled around only to see monsters. She swiftly began transforming into a bird form but unexpectedly the monsters edged to close and therefore forcing her backwards. As a result the petrified girl smashed her head on the frame (when she forced to the open-air) and could only maintain her wings from her transformation. As she hurled to the ground she caught a glimpse of the terrified boy running towards her.

‘Deja vu?’ she thought. Just then she felt a spike, like a hundred cactus thorns at the centre of her spine. Forcing her body forward, ruby red blood gushed from her forehead as she shattered it against the inflexible frame of her window. Her legs tangled as she was hurled down towards the concrete bottom. With the last of her strength she swerved her body round to see the shadows once more.

A sudden role of thunder rumbled, like the beating of a 1,000 drums, as he strolled down the dark alley way without a care in the world; well except the fact that he was expected home 4hours, 34minuets and 8 seconds ago. He really couldn’t careless that he would receive a generous thumping round the head by his mother. As he approached a towering lamppost, out of the corner of his eye he saw a shimmer come from straight ahead. “What was that?” he whispered. A stupid question it seems but at that this time of night, in a secluded area like this, it might as well have been a gigantic giant with a flash light the size of big ben! He knew what he saw couldn’t have possibly been lightning. The light was to sharp and besides, it was RED!

He glared over to a tall, semi-detached house on the very top floor. At first he simply sniggered at the idea but nevertheless still curious. Suddenly a red flash struck his eye once more. Just then a window open as a frightened young girl seemed to be standing close to it. There was something in the shadows which caught his attention. A piercing scream hit the atmosphere like a loud hurricane had just arose from nowhere. His hands began to tremor. A flash overwhelmed his eyes causing him to blink several times to gain control of his sight once again.He finally began to progress forward towards the direction of the mysterious house. His mouth plunged right down to the floor as he was in ore of what sight was bestowing upon him. The girl seemed to look like heavens lost property crashing down to earth. Suddenly he glanced up, once again, to see that the shadowed figure looking down on her. Its spine chilling eyes were red laser beams! The boy immediately quickened his pace. As he reached the front porch, he dramatically swung open the gate to see an angelic girl laying on the cold pit of despair; called the ground! He scrambled next to her and scooped her up into his bulky arms, as ruby red liquid poured out from her head. Her long silky brown hair drooped over his shoulders as he held her ever tighter. He gazed up to the window but the figure had seemed to vanish.

All of a sudden a clap of lightning hit his ear drums as it began to hail down heavier. The petrified boy reached out to touch her meek face when all of a sudden a mirage of flashbacks and memories overcame his brain waves. A screeching, high pitch noise rattled his brain. Eventually, his migraine stopped as he looked upon the girl one again. “What was that just now,” he whispered to himself, “wait this-this must be déjà vu?”

The flashbacks brought him to a time when he was little. He often had…well lets say he thought he saw visions of girl who had black wings and was secretly an angel of some kind. Of course, when he told this to his mum she went straight to a physiatrist and soon he lost faith in the idea. However, later that day he had another piercing headache which bought him another vision of the events which just occurred before him and thought nothing of it until just now. His mind scrambled for an explanation but could not function quickly enough. He thought he saw something of her transformation but analysing her now, there seems to be no trace of any feathers. ‘Somehow could are futures be entwined? I mean was this fate or just chance?’ he thought deeply to himself as he stoked her pale, damp face.

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