Right between Cupid's eyes

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It’s amazing how well sleep comes to you when you’re depressed. It just swallows you whole with the promise of fit men and women that will soon invade your dreams. I was met with that. To be more specific, a lingerie shoot and this was why I had (subconsciously) planned to sleep in. Heh – what a cute thought.

            I was pulled out of my blissful euphoria when my phone decided to blurt out the tune to ‘I want your bite’ just mocking me and my dream that was now ruined. The song could only mean I had a call making my groggy mind curse whoever was on the other side. I checked my clock and sighed. They better have a good reason for waking me up at 6 bloody o’clock in the morning!

            “Hello?” I groaned into the phone, trying my best not to sound like a hung-over loser.

            “Lily? Did I wake you?” Kara shouted down the phone making me wince.

            Of course it was Kara. Curse this early-bird midget who always feels the need to scream. “No,” I lied sarcastically. “What do you want?”

            I can call later if you want? You sound -,”

            “Kara, tell me why the hell you woke me up at this ungodly hour before I ram your phone up your small ass!”

            “Alright, don’t get ya knickers in a twist, I only wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party tonight,” she mumbled, and by the tone of her voice I could guess she was pouting.

            I was immediately disinterested by her proposal. I hated parties. There was always so much noise you couldn’t hear the music and even if you could it would be club hits on repeat. The drinks are spiked, everyone’s getting off and of course no-one can have a party without drunkards. However, being the better friend I pushed away my hatred of it and asked for her reason . . . then I would stamp on her invitation!


            “Well, how else are you going to get Jay off your mind?” she dead-panned, no doubt crossing her arms over her chest.

            I was ready to go back to sleep before she mumbled the next part almost too quickly for me to catch. “Even-though-he’s-going-to-be-there-too,”

            My lips twitched up. Ooh, so Jay was going to be there? You know, I’ve always wondered what Jay would act and look like when jealousy hit him; now that would be a sight to behold. This could be my chance to get revenge on him! “Of course I’ll go!” I gushed down the phone, smiling sweetly into the receiver despite the fact she couldn’t see me.

            “Hey, hang on – you’re not just going because he’ll be there!” she accused.

            “No, I’m not. You never know, I might meet another guy,” I sniggered. 

            Oh yeah, I would find another guy . . . and then parade him under Jay’s nose! I couldn’t help but grin at the thought of another guy touching me, Jay’s envious eyes watching us. It would be too easy!

            “Oh!” Kara exclaimed, oblivious to my actual intentions. “Does that mean you want to come dress-shopping?”

            I gave a shark smile at that and nodded my head in excitement. “Hell yeah!”


Kara pulled me into the next shop by my wrist, a pained expression set on her face. I genuinely thought she was going to be sick! “I told you I was difficult to shop for,” I smiled smugly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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