Chapter 5 Book 3 The Self Control of Level X Vampire PT2

Start from the beginning

Kaien Cross POV 

This isn't looking look but he not an ordinary vampire but maybe Level X perhaps. Wait i'm i saying he can't be. This child is nice and kind but what if i search for his mother history maybe it might help him find the true identity about himself. Searched the book shelf around me as i found what i want. The History of Level X Vampires. Turn and turn pages seeing his mother appear. 

 Jen Taneka Jeon. Vampire Type: Level XE. What i'll never heard Level XE vampires before it's weird because technically i know Vampires, Level E, Ex Human Vampires but the list goes on but this type. She was curse by a sword from 110,000 years ago when a man put a unknown potion for a sword and turned him into Level XE vampire. That explains the sudden fall, when they fall into darkness the transformation was considered dangerous harming people was horrible job as millions of non or vampire people got killed. The self control of Level XE vampire but later removed it seal it into the sword as known as Level X vampires. Jungkook needs to hanged up not for killing but experimenting his body for any differences in his blood which is most important. closed the book and carried him into the place where Zero was outta control when he scents blood but he's now okay.  

Hanged and chained him up, unbuttoning his top as well defined abs and scar across his stomach which can signify something has happen to him. scanning his body as i notice that arm he's veins has different colours but not the usually colours but more darker than expected. Like Navy blue but hint of black which is something is wrong. The blood is much darker but that's normal for any vampire going dark. But also this might mean that he must be like his mother. His teeth when he talks he fangs were there then when was a teenager no fangs were notice until now. Button his shirt and put him on a bed and locked him there just only for one day because before i left i put on this secret liquid to test if something might happen to him. This will test him if he's a real Level X vampire. 

Went back to the school, as Yuki was standing there. " Where's Jungkook?'' she asked keeping this from her is very hard because she's always concern about he friends not wanting them to be in danger. " Oh he's still resting don't need to worry about him go back doing your duty"i said 

" Phew" i said quietly to myself and head back into the office. Analysis the Level X vampires blood and history on how to control them. All i know is that you put liquid on them and they sleep for a day, then you check on them to see if any effect happen. This particular liquid is quite not so strong one but it helps them to restore the balance. Jungkook i hope you're thinking about this because i don't want you to be in danger, want you alive and safe. 

Yuki POV 

My stepfather or Kaien Cross is acting weird like he's up to something. Jungkook is still reading hoping he's better soon. " Yuki" someone yelled by name as Sayori came towards me. " Zero needs you" she said and ran out of the school entrance, through the woods as Zero standing by the lake. " What's happening?'' 

" I heard that the headmaster doing something to Jungkook and i know why he kept to himself. Because since Jungkook is an unknown kind of vampire no knows what type he is but when he figure sort of out that he maybe one". 

He told me that he's an vampire thinking that i thought he's like me but something i don't know i want to find out. " And?" " He locked up into the place where i remember when i couldn't control myself because i scent blood easily. And i got the key to it don't go near him" He threw me the key and walked into the place where he was kept in. Unlocked the door, open it seeing Jungkook chained up. " Ugh Ahh" he groans and yells the eyes are glowing bright yellow. " What happen to you?" i asked but he wouldn't answer just yells and screams with anger, then Zero came in and told me " This liquid may be harmful for awhile until it finds it's identity, if you're a unknown vampire then this will find out who you are" Zero said as he looked at Jungkook who is breathing heavily from the anger and yelling. " Jungkook control yourself. It's important to calm down and don't yell out or scream too much because you could die or cause any danger so just take it easy" Zero carefully puts his hands on Jungkook letting him breathe normally. 

* After 3 hours* 

Jungkook is set to sleep, Zero untied him and carried him into the headmaster's spare room. 

" Zero how he is?'' said the headmaster " he's fine just needs to rest and this is the blood and sweat from what i can tell he is an Level X vampire not E like his mother". 

" Zero how could you kept this from me?'' i said as Zero signs and said " Yuki you're in another situation now you don't need to know this but it's better if you focus on how you gonna defeat the demon again. Jungkook needs to something which is none of your business. I'm sorry Yuki" he said. I walked out of the room as i went outside. 

Zero POV 

Yuki, i feel like...I'll go mad ...if I'm not hunting vampires during the night. Vampires may have the wrongs of killing people  but the form itself. I'm sorry you'r e in much more danger and i need you to defeat it.  Jungkook. experiencing a vampire form. Human form can have fun with themselves until death, but when a vampire experience death the dust flows into the distance. 



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