Oooh another one!! Endgame rerwite

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"What's going on? What bad thing is gonna happen?" Morgan interjects.

"It's okay, he'll explain it to you in time." He paused. "Have you ever heard the saying 'knowledge is power'?"

"Daddy always says that" Morgan said fondly.

"And he's right. Now that you know this, you have the power to tell him, and with great power comes great responsibility." Peter explained as he thought of his Uncle.

"Can you do that for me Morgan?" He asked her. Peter knew this was a lot for a kid, but Tony needed to hear it from her. She wouldn't be able to stop Peter, and she would be a comfort to Tony.

"I pinky promise" she confirmed seriously.

"Thank you so much Morgan, and I just have one last thing to say and it's to you. Your parents are two of the best people in the whole world, and I'm sure they love you very much. I don't have parents, just an aunt, but your parents helped me and became like parents to me. They love you so much, and they're going to be with you a long time. You and your parents deserve the world."

"What do you mean?" Morgan asked.

"Your Uncle Happy will tell you, just tell him to listen to the recordings. He deserves the world too. You're going to be amazing." Peter said vaguely before ending the call. He didn't want to scare her, after all.

With that out of the way, he looked around to find Thanos. Once he found him, he positioned himself so he could still fight the creates but be close to Thanos too. Not much later, he saw Mr. Stark and Thanos fighting for control of the gauntlet.

Thanos went to snap his fingers, only to notice there were no stones in the gauntlet. Being nanotechnology, the gauntlet could efficiently move them into another piece of nanotechnology- like Tony's suit. Thanos looked to Tony, only to see him knocked unconscious from behind.

Thanos made a move to grab the stones, but Peter was faster. Since his Spider Suit was also made of nanotechnology, the stones effortlessly transferred into his suit. Peter caught Dr. Strange in the corner of his eye looking panicked, not knowing what to make of the situation. Dr. Strange held up a single finger aggressively, as if telling Peter not to chance it, but Peter, being Peter, took the chance to hold up two fingers. Who knew he could tell the doctor there is more than one way while throwing a peace sign.

With a simple snap, Thanos, the Black Order, and all of the creatures turned to dust. Everyone watched in relief as the enemy simply blew away- everyone except Peter, who was not feeling so good. He could feel it- he was dying. His spider sense was telling him. Dr. Strange rushed over to him in worry, Pepper not far behind once she found out Tony was unconscious.

"I told you there was another way." He coughed weakly.

"But why?" Strange asked, tears pricking in his eyes. In the last five years he had become rather attacked to Peter Parker.

"He has a kid you know? And a wife. I've seen what happens when someone has to raise a kid on their own. I know what it's like to loose parents. 's not fun." he said hoarsely.

"You're the best of us Parker." Dr. Strange said while Pepper woke Tony up. Immediately seeking the kid, Tony rushes over to Peter.

"No-" Tony cried breathlessly. "Peter no, not again."

"It's okay Mr. Stark." He said taking one last breath. "It's okay-"

Tony couldn't hold back anymore, as the tears began to fall. Pepper pulled him close for comfort as Dr. Strange closed his eyelids gently.

"Boss" Friday said from the suit.

"Not now Friday." Pepper answered for him.

"You are receiving an incoming call from Miss Morgan. She claims it's important." Friday informed.

"Put her though." Tony managed as he tried to stop his voice from shaking. He just lost his son. Again. He couldn't stop it. It was all his fault-

"It wasn't your fault daddy." He heard Morgan say on the phone. He froze.

"What did you say honey?"

"He said it's not your fault. Peter. He called me. He wanted me to tell you that. He said it was important that you don't think that the bad thing was your fault." Morgan reiterated carefully. She didn't fully understand what was going on, but she knew it was serious.

"You did a good job sweaty, thank you. Mommy and I will be home soon. I love you so so much." He said gratefully.

Once the call ended, he sobbed even more. Only Peter would sacrifice himself and make sure that Tony doesn't feel guilty. He looked over at Peter, tears staining his face.

You did it Peter. You saved the universe. You did it to save my universe, my little girl and Pepper. I hope you know that you were a part of my world too. The world didn't deserve you Underoos.

Wow me crying over my own oneshot? More likely than you'd think

Spider-Man and Endgame OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin