Chapter 2

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"Mick?" Mike poked his head out the bedroom door. "Mick?" He frowned and went downstairs. "Micky?" He stood in the center of the living room, scratching his head with one hand and resting the other on his hip. "Micky!"

The downstairs bedroom door opened and Davy came out, yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Mike, stop yelling. It's still early."

"It's not that early," Mike said. "It's after eight."

"As far as I'm concerned," Davy said, "on a Saturday, ten is too early."

Peter shuffled out in his orange bunny suit. "Hey, what's going on?"

Mike looked around anxiously. "I can't find Micky, man."

"Wait, what do you mean, you can't find Micky?" asked Davy.

"Well, I woke up this morning," Mike said, "and he wasn't in his bed, so I started looking for him. But he's not in the kitchen, he's not in here, I don't know where he is."

"Did you check the conservatory?" asked Peter.

Mike gave him a funny look. "We don't have any conservatory."

"That's probably why you can't find him there," Peter reasoned.

"Well, then, that means he's gone," Davy surmised.

"HE'S GONE!" all three Monkees cried at once.

"Uh, uh... well, let's split up and look for him," Mike said.

"Yeah, he's-he's gotta be somewhere," Davy agreed.

So Peter checked the living room, Davy checked the rest of the downstairs, and Mike looked outside. When Davy and Mike came back to the living room, they found Peter walking in circles around a floor lamp. "Peter," Davy said, "he's not hiding behind that. It's too thin."

"You never know," Peter said. "He's awfully skinny."

Mike huffed softly, took Peter by the elbow, and led him back to the middle of the room.

"All right," Davy said, "let's think this through. Where was Micky when you saw him last?"

"In bed," Mike said.

"He didn't wake you up last night?"

"No, I... Oh, wait, yeah, he did. He woke me up to tell me about dream he had about a girl."

"Yeah, he told me about it, too," Peter said.

"And me, too," Davy said. "And he seemed awfully convinced that she was real and needed help."

"He said she just disappeared," Peter said.

Mike got a sour look on his face. "You guys don't think he's trying to find her, do you?"

Davy half-joked, "If she really looks anything like he described her, I don't blame him."

"Well, we should try to find him," Mike said.

Davy said, "But if he's with a girl, maybe we ought to leave them alone. You know...?" He wiggled his eyebrows."

"Yeah, but what if he's in some kind of trouble?" asked Peter.

Davy laughed. "How much trouble can he get into with a girl?

"...Never mind," he corrected himself, even before Mike and Peter cast him looks with raised eyebrows.

"But where do we look?" asked Peter.

"I don't know," Mike said, his voice tight. Micky had been his best friend and number one sidekick for two years. The thought that something might have happened to him left Mike too distracted to think.

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