Chapter 9

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As Micky and Davy pulled Shawn's and Sharon's mirrors through the Monkees'/Kockatoos' mirror (and if you think it's hard keeping this story straight while reading it, you oughta try writing it), they warned their friends that Shawn was right behind them. Mike and Peter poised themselves on either side of the mirror, ready to grab Shawn when he came through. Micky gave a mirror to Sharon, gave her a quick kiss, told her to have a nice life, and had her get ready to go through as soon as they had Shawn pinned down. The Kockatoos stood with Sharon.

You call my name, then you run for protection.

I reach out to hold ya, but it's just your reflection

Through the looking glass.

Mike and Peter both tried to grab Shawn's arms as he crawled through the mirror. Somehow, though, they both managed to miss, and ended up grabbing hold of each other across Shawn's back. Which meant that they ended up squishing Shawn in between them. Shawn, taken by surprise, fell the rest of the way out of the mirror and landed in an uncomfortable-looking position on the floor in front of the record cabinet. In the process, he managed to knock both Mike and Peter off their feet, so that they landed on top of him. Mike and Davy hurried over to help Mike and Peter sort themselves out, but in the meantime, Shawn crawled out from under them. When he did so, Mike and Peter, still unsteady and with Micky and Davy both trying to help them up, tripped and fell and dragged Micky and Davy down with them.

The girls, standing on the other side of the room, hand in hand for safety's sake, all groaned and rolled their eyes and muttered various comments about male incompetence in general.

You've been looking at your life through a mirror.

It's time you started seeing things a little bit clearer

Than through the looking glass.

The Monkees finally regained their feet, and saw Shawn reaching for one of the mirrors. Mike and Micky lunged at him. Shawn ducked, and the two Monkees ran into each other, tangling their arms and legs and knocking their heads together.

Seeing that this wasn't working, Davy took Petra and Michelle and motioned for Micky and Sharon to follow him back through the Monkees's mirror. Shawn grabbed his mirror and followed Sharon.

Mike rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment. Then his eyes lit on a pile of objects in the corner, with a sign above them saying "Props." Mike went to the pile, picked up a baseball bat, and handed it to Peter. Peter took it, looked at it quizzically for a moment, and then stood with feet apart, brandishing the bat like he was Babe Ruth. Mike shook his head, took the bat back, and began miming what he wanted Peter to do (cuz, you know, there's no dialog in a romp, so they have to mime everything). Mike pointed at the mirror, made a motion with his hand to indicate Shawn coming back through the mirror, and then tapped his hand with the baseball bat and handed the bat back to Peter. Peter, still looking confused, also tapped Mike's hand with the bat. Mike shook his head, took the bat back, tapped his hand with it, and then, very gently, trying to show Peter what he wanted him to do with Shawn, tapped Peter on the head with the end of the bat.

And then, as though Mike had actually whacked him over the head with the bat, Peter sank to the ground, unconscious.

Watch me break through, girl

I still love you, girl

Davy got Shawn's mirror away from him as Shawn came through the Kockatoos' mirror, and then Davy skedaddled back through the Kockatoos' mirror to the Monkees' pad, with Shawn's mirror in tow. Shawn was left standing in the Kockatoos' living room, looking around and wondering where his mirror had gone. Davy peeked back through the mirror, whistled, and waved for Shawn to follow.

I think you love me by the way you come on, girl,

But I turn around for a minute, you're gone, girl,

Through the looking glass.

Davy, Mike, Peter, Devona, and Gina stood in the Monkees' living room for a minute, huddled together and whispering. Then they split up. Devona went upstairs, Mike ran outside, Peter picked up Sharon's mirror and stood off to the side of the record cabinet, and Davy stood poised with Shawn's mirror, ready to duck back into Looking Glass Land as soon as Shawn came through. Meanwhile, Gina settled onto the Monkees' black chaise, crossing her legs and arranging her mini skirt seductively.

As Davy had guessed, Gina had the same effect on Shawn that Sharon had on Micky. When Shawn came back through the mirror, he put his wild chase on hold long enough to admire the young woman sitting in front of him. Gina gave him a wink and raised a finger to beckon him. Smirking, Shawn stepped forward...

And Davy snuck behind his back into the mirror, once again carrying the mirror with him.

Gina continued to beckon for a moment more, and then, still wearing her enticing smile, turned her finger around to point at the mirror. Shawn obediently turned to look, just in time to see Davy's boots disappearing through the shimmering blue portal. Shawn darted after him.


In the Kockatoos' living room, Micky and Petra held Shawn's mirror with the glass facing the Kockatoos' mirror. And in the Monkees's living room, Peter and Gina held up Sharon's mirror with the glass facing the Monkees' mirror. So that when Shawn crawled through the Monkees' mirror and came out through the Kockatoos' mirror, he ended up going straight into his own mirror, coming out through Sharon's mirror, and back through the Monkees' mirror, in a continuous loop, travelling through all four mirrors over and over again.

Micky yawned and examined his nails.

Peter laughed at how idiotic Shawn looked, crawling through the mirrors endlessly.

You're looking through me

Like you never knew me

Shawn eventually realized what was going on. He squirmed out from between the Kockatoos' and his own mirror and got down from the record cabinet. Before he reached the floor, Micky was already going back through the mirror with Shawn's mirror. Sharon was behind him, with Davy, Petra, and Michelle getting in Shawn's way to make sure Micky and Sharon made it back first. Then Petra followed Sharon, then Michelle, and finally Davy, with Shawn right behind him.

I've got some things that I'm trying to show ya,

The rest of the Monkees and Kockatoos had not been idle. They had set up a large, colorful pinata in the middle of the room (hence, their running off in different directions earlier to gather everything they needed). And when Shawn came through, Gina blindfolded him and Peter handed the baseball bat to him. Then Michelle spun him around until he staggered with dizziness.

But you fade away, how can I get to know ya

Shawn began whacking away at the pinata, while Davy and Devona stood off to the side, yanking the rope up and down. Shawn stumbled around the room, whacking at empty air with the bat, while the Monkees and Kockatoos all cheered and laughed at each failed attempt.

Through the looking glass?

Shawn soon tired of the game, ripped the blindfold off his head, and looked around the room. The first face he saw was Mike's, next to the pinata. Thoroughly frustrated by this point, Shawn lunged at Mike. Mike simply moved the pinata in between himself and Shawn, so that when Shawn collided with it, a shower of candy enveloped the room.



After all of this, the Monkees were able to tie Shawn up with rope and tie him to the chaise, while the others began collecting the candy.

Not that the ropes were really necessary by this point, though. All Shawn had the strength left to do was stare at the ceiling and shake his head and wonder how he got himself into this mess....

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