I kept a calm expression, though I was somewhat shaken by his words. "I'll be fine. I have self control over my feelings about that." I muttered, the bitterness in my voice giving it away.

"Sure you can" he scoffed, brushing a strand of annoyingly curled hair out of my view. "Just be careful, don't get killed before we can get a proper home." He joked, smirking. I flicked his forehead, stepping back. "Whatever. I'll live" I joked, turning away from him. "I'll be fine"


Shigaraki examined me , and was quick to send me off into work. It wasn't too hard to skip by unnoticed and onto the trains, and soon enough I found myself approaching U.A. high. I was posing as a student, so all I had to do was slip by and head straight to the nurse's office.

Many students were entering through the opened gates. It was crowded, but that was exactly what I was looking for. I'm on time too. Class was soon to start, according to the schedules on the walls. It would be odd to go first period to the nurse , but that was the least of my worries. Hanako was the one to take care of the morning shifts while Recovery Girl was out with the teacher staff. That is, according to the information Hanako provided.

As soon as I got inside the academy ,I felt easily overwhelmed. The place was enormous to say the least, and there was many different students left and right. I felt sick to be surrounded by so many potential heroes, and obviously out of place because I was surrounded by kids. Thank Nathan that he gave me a crap ton of hair. I used the exorbitant amount to hide most of my face , now making an attempt to find the infirmary.

I walked past the many doors, each marking a different classroom. The academy also had several floors, so it wasn't going to be easy. What I wished the most was not to look lost, or for someone to try and approach me. So far it was going well, no one was attempting to interact with me and everyone seemed to be in their own little world. I was surrounded by small groups , who were all chatting or simply walking together.

Everyone began separating, rushing over to what I could imagine was their classes. I caught the nearest staircase and went up, hoping the infirmary was closer by now. Thankfully, my wishes were answered when a few students cleared out of the hall, revealing a door with the word "infirmary" engraved in a silver plaque.

I took a deep breath, easing myself for whatever I might walk into. I didn't know if I would loose my temper in a confrontation against Hanako. I had been able to keep my cool lately, but I wasn't up to test my patience.

I slowly opened the door. Honestly, the least I expected was to smack straight into someone. "Fuck–" I murmured, staring up to a golden haired male, a black streak adorning his bangs. He seemed to be in a dumfounded daze , staring down at me blankly.

"Cutie" he mumbled, his thumbs sticking up as he chuckled mindlessly. I rose an eyebrow. What the fuck did I get myself into? He was soon dragged away by a figure , leading him back to the nurse table.

"God, Kaminari. It's the first hour and you already went into brain dead mode.." the woman scolded, turning to face my now noticed presence.

My expression melded into pure surprise once I meet eyes with her. Usual tight buns now set in a loose hairstyle, lips tinted a soft pink. She was wearing a rather conservative nurse robe,a radical change from her usual feminine street clothing. 

"Excuse me, I don't think I've seen you around" she smiled, extending a hand towards me.

"I'm nurse Takaoka, what can I help you with?"

"I'm nurse Takaoka, what can I help you with?"

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WE DID IT BOYS- also this book recently reached 8k and I'm so shook?? Like it happened so quickly and I'm so touched so many people decided to give this book a shot!

So question- should I do something when this book hits 15k reads? Like host some sort of contest or something? Leave your ideas here please!

Ou! And a huge thank you to WombatSquid for letting me use their name for Mustard. Please check out her stories!! Their amazing. And if you like Dabi (duh- why are you here?) I recommend reading the book "Flawed"

Thank you all so much for following this book , and I  hope you all have a wonderful week!

A SINGLE BLUE FLAME ;;  T. DABI Where stories live. Discover now