Chapter Fifteen

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Steve's POV

I could hear someone come running down the hallway to my bedroom.

"Steve!" It was Sam.

I got up and walked to the door quickly. Sam was waiting for me there.

"What's up?" I asked curiously.

"Tony said he could give Bucky an injection that will help him recover more quickly, hopefully without too much damage." He explained.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Uh, yeah. Ok let's do this." I replied.

We walked quickly to the lab where Bucky was still in his coma. Tony and Bruce were already there discussing something. In Tony's hand was a huge syringe with a translucent purple liquid in it. I walked over to them.

"What is it?" I asked them.

"It's a drug that Bruce and I have been working on. Hopefully, it will make Bucky recover more quickly than he already is, that is, if he's actually recovering." Tony explained to me.

I nodded in reply and glanced at Bucky. Still, nothing had changed about him.

"If it doesn't work, it won't make him any worse will it?" I asked them.

They both went quiet and Bruce sighed, looking at the syringe in Tony's hand.

"Well, that's what we're not sure of. It will either work or not work but whether it makes him worse...we don't know. It's not like we have been able to test it yet, so it's a risk that we're going to have to make. That's if you want to do this." He replied.

It was like a coin toss in my head.

Do I do this and risk him getting worse or do I not do this and risk him never waking up again?

I thought for a few minutes before making a decision. Whatever I decide to do, I am potentially risking my best friends life, again.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second, making sure that my decision was the right one.

"Ok." I said opening my eyes. "Let's do this."

Bruce and Tony nodded and proceeded to give Bucky the injection. Bruce uncovered a part or Bucky's flesh shoulder and wiped it with a disinfectant wipe. Tony then came in and slowly pushed the thick needle into Bucky's shoulder. I watched as the liquid disappeared into Bucky. After all of it was gone, Tony took the needle out of Bucky's shoulder. Both him and Bruce didn't take their eyes off the heart monitor.

"Remember to breath Steve." I heard a familiar voice and turned my head slightly.

"Nat?" I said.

"The one and only." She replied cockily.

I walked over to her and embraced her in a gentle hug. Her small arms wrapped around me. I didn't realise how much I had missed her....

I ended the hug by turning to look at the monitor. It was still the same, nothing seemed to have changed. But then I noticed that the beeping was slightly faster. I glanced at Tony and Bruce. They both had a strange expression on their faces. Suddenly the beeping went crazy. Bucky's heart was pumping three times faster than the normal rate. Tony and Bruce rushed into action, trying to figure out how to bring his rate down back to normal.

"If we don't hurry his heart will kill him!" Bruce yelled at Tony.

"I realised!" Tony yelled back.

I rushed over to Bucky, even though there was nothing I could do.

"C'mon Buck." I said quietly. Nat came over and put her hand on my shoulder.

Suddenly it stopped all together. His heart just, stopped. Everyone had a strange looks on their faces. Bruce was especially confused. I looked at Bucky's lifeless body then at the heart monitor.

What just happened?

I glanced at Natasha as she looked at me. Suddenly I heard a beep. One single beep from the monitor. He was still alive. Slowly his heart rate went back to normal. Tony and Bruce had smiled painted across their faces. They did it. I stared at Bucky, waiting for him to wake up.

"Bucky?" I said his name quietly.

His eyes suddenly shot open...


Bucky's POV

I heard someone say my name. My name...My name is Bucky. Bucky? I recognised the voice but I couldn't put a face to it. Is it someone I know? I know them. I recognise their voice. Are they going to hurt me? No, this voice wouldn't hurt me.

I opened my eyes quickly, blinded by a huge white light. There were beeping noises all around me. There was some sort of tube in my nose. My head ached severely, as did most of my body. My eyes adjusted slowly, revealing people sanding around me. I looked at all of them. I recognise them all, especially the man with the blonde hair. I knew him, more than I knew the others. I remember him. I remember.

"S-Steve?" I asked with a scratchy voice. My head pounding.

His eyes widened suddenly with shock. His expression confused me. Why was he looking at me like that? What happened to me?


Steve's POV

He said my name, like he knew me. Did something in that serum make him remember? No, it was to make him wake up. But, what if it did?...

"Bucky?" I said. He looked at me instantly, like he used to when I said his name.
"What do you remember?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a confused expression, like I was asking him a stupid question. He thought for a moment, furrowing his brown in pain. He would have a major headache. He looked at me with a glint in his eyes.

"I'm with you 'till the end of the line pal."

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