cocoa ❄️🌻

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it's freezing cold outside, and the snows too deep to walk through. the doors probably frozen shut, not that you'd ever bother trying to open it. you have a nice hot fire lit and you and your wife are sitting comfortably underneath a big warm blanket. you're flicking through the dvds in the box on your lap thinking about what you want to watch.

"i haven't seen this in ages!" your wife says, pulling out spirited away. it was true. neither of you had watched it since the night after your first date.

you get up to put it in the dvd player.

"while you're up could you make us both some hot cocoa"

you can't say no to her. not that you would have anyway.

"yes of course" you say smiling.

you come back into the living room with two mugs full of hot cocoa, the type with whipped cream and marshmallows, before sitting down with your wife. you hand her her mug and watch her count to see how many marshmallows you put on. she notices you

"why are you looking at me like that" she says laughing
"no reason" you say, smiling back at her.

you put your arm around her and she rests her head on your shoulder.

everything is perfect.


ok so the speech always seems really blunt and idk what to do about it so basically my life is a steaming pile of shit. also i'm really sick atm so that sucks//

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