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Tin closed the door of his house after Can left. As he turned around and scanned the room, has his place always been this empty? His gaze swept each corner of his living room and his heart longed for a certain someone to fill the silence. He never thought his house was too plain and boring despite the lavish and modern furnishing.

He exhaled rather harshly as if it could take away whatever he was feeling. He made his way to his room after and decided to sleep it off,  hoping that when tomorrow comes, he'll feel nothing, it's better than his current state of mind.

If only it would be that easy.

"Tin! "

Tin thwarted and saw Pete, he has been avoiding the guy for he knew for these past couple of days, by the look of mischievousness in his eyes and the sheepish grin on his lips, Pete was up to something Tin wouldn't like but the latter would do it anyway for the sake of making fun of him.

What friends are for? If not to make fun of your already miserable situation.

"What? " this time, Pete wasn't in his playful side.

"We're doomed. "

The next couple of days were both toxic and stressful for Tin so as his groupmates. When Pete said they were doomed. They were indeed in deep shit. Tin, Pete and Lek were participating for the Student Entrepreneur Competition as their school's representative no matter how unwilling Tin was but he figured it would be good for his resume and as the group chosen to have the best project for their business subject, they were automatically picked for the event. Participants should submit a creative and unique business plan ideas relevant to the society. The submission of entries will be in no less than a week. They were almost done and Lek was just doing the finishing touches to it. Pete and Tin conducted field research and interviews. They have gathered all the data they needed and Lek's job was to compile them all. The outline was all set, he just have to make a file presentation for it. Their group was so ready or so he thought, until Lek lost his laptop so as his flash drive containing his back up copy.

Tin and Pete may have a copy, but it was all raw, unedited and small notes here and there, not the entire presentation and documentation. Their adviser slash coach got so mad, backing out was not in their options, they were told to come up with their presentation as if it was that easy, it was either they hand in an unfinished one or finish it as quick as possible.

They spent the next few days outlining their presentation, dividing the tasks equally at hand and discussing everything together as for their preparation to present it. They burned the midnight oil at Tin's place,  took a short nap whenever they deemed necessary and had their meals delivered, they cannot be bothered even with the littlest things considering they are against time.

After three days, the pressure, the exhaustion and the lack of sleep took a toll on Tin's body. He started coughing and his temperature rising. Pete volunteered to finish the documentation since it was almost done and Lek for the PowerPoint and they left after forcing Tin to bed. They will have to present their business plan the next day and Tin was assigned to do the task because he was good at it. It was very important for him to be in his best shape both physically and mentally in order r for him to successfully do it.

It wasn't long before the others left and Tin had settled on his bed when the doorbell rang. He wanted to ignore it but the person on the other end seemed to have no mercy pressing it continuously. Tin pulled himself out of bed grudgingly, dizzy, barely standing and chanting a train of curses in his mind.

"Tin! "

A bright smile from Can welcomed him as he opened the gate, Tin had lost it.

Can managed to bring Tin in, and all the way to his room after he fell into his arms. He was shaking with fever and his body was so weak he couldn't stand on his own. He placed his palm on his forehead just as what his mother does whenever he's sick. He has indeed a high fever. Can covered his body with a quilt, hoping it would lessen his shaking. He made sure he was fully covered, he then proceeded to the toilet to get a wet cloth to wipe Tin's body.

Tin was sweating profusely, Can didn't want to leave him drown in it. He scavenge the cabinet to find Tin a more comfortable clothing. He contemplated and figuring out how to while staring at Tin. After a grueling minutes of changing Tin's clothes, the latter didn't make it easy for Can. He didn't do as he was told, Can had to use his energy in full considering Tin was bigger than him. Can was drained and tired even if so, he went to the kitchen to make a soup for Tin only to be disappointed because Tin has nothing but cold pizza leftovers and a bottle of half empty water.

What's the use of having a large fridge if he doesn't stock it with food? Can will never understand Tin's way of living but that's the least of his concern for now. He was glad he brought Ae's bike so it was easier for him to go out and buy. He couldn't have Tin drink medicine without feeding him. Moreover, he couldn't just leave him suffering so since he was already helping might as well go all the way. Besides, Tin was mostly alone so no one will surely tend to his needs. 

He looked at the man, sleeping peacefully on his bed. His lips was pale and face even paler, and eyebags dark. Tin groaned in his sleep and Can saw his lips slightly trembled.

Giving Tin one last glance before he set off to buy food and medicine, Can felt the need in his heart to take care of him.

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