I fall for his hair...Yess I'm weird ( part 2 )

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As we all do waiting for an peak opportunity to message someone whom u have waited for, I used this comment thing and for first time I messaged him thank you. Our conversation started just like this.
Back to that tiring day which I said before I was returning back to my hostel from home. It was an irritating 4 hours travel in a bus. Any how I just reached and was waiting near a bus stop to catch a bus which takes me to the college. Sometimes fortune won't be on your side when you were tend to meet the person whom you are dying to see in real is now standing next to you but you are looking like hell with messy hair sweating tired face due to your travelling.
My friend, him and their friends all together were there waiting for the bus just like me. She came, she looked like a god at that moment seriously. She just called him and introduced me that I'm the one who's writing. I don't know how love at first sight feels like or how far true it is...when I saw him approaching me my heart was little hazy, struck with a shock.
His dark cozy hair which just hides his eyebrows and that smile and dimple aside. Oh ! Damn I'm just shot dead alive.
When he said a hi I'm nowhere but in a paradise of my own world seeking for a desire to hold on the time and make him mine forever mine...

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