" I want to rectify my mistake di want to fulfil every dream of khushi want to give her that life which she deserves want to give her every happiness then what is the problem in it. I am changed now i love khushi wanted to live my life with her  " again said arnav might be this time bringing Khushi's name anjali will get convinced and if anjali will convinced then other family members will be automatically convinced and will never bring divorce matter will trust him.

Arnav wanted to stop this matter now itself as arnav was scared what if one day in his absence his family take sign of khushi on divorce papers by saying something by which khushi get convinced and when she will leave him how he will bring her back or if she goes somewhere without telling anyone then where he will search her what if he did not find her then  how he will live without her he will die without khushi so its better he should stop this Divorce matter now itself

" Arnav after marriage i become JHA that does not means i dont understand what is going on in your mind By taking Khushi's name you want family should forget divorce matter then sorry to say this will not happen Khushi will not live  with you she will sign on divorce paper( anjali take divorce papers and forward it to khushi)she does not deserves womaniser and yes you will also sign on divorce papers after that whatever you wanted to do wherever you wanted to go infact if you wanted  to go to lavanya then it does not matters to US i will think i never had any brother " said anjali

Today for the first time anjali kept aside that sister who loves her brother lot at present she was only and only woman who want other woman to come out that marriage which always gave her pain

" Then listen to me also today is the last time you tried to interfere in my marriage l (arnav snatched paper from anjali's hand tear them ) tried to create rift between me and my wife( arnav hold khushi's waist possessively and bring her  close to him she looked shockingly to arnav) tried to filled ears of my wife if for next time i see you or anyone from the family member's ( arnav looked everyone) trying to interfere between in my marriage or trying to fill ears of khushi against me i swear you all will see worst side of me and keep always this in mind i will never ever give divorce to khushi not even let her to take she is mine i am her and only her and no one on this earth can separate me from my khushi now i have changed person i wanted to give chance to my and khushi's marriage i love her and whoever will come in between Us then i will forget who is that person and do something which will not be good for that person Khushi and me  both are mature enough to handle and sought out situation between us in our marriage so no need to interfere between us you all better mind your business and Yes now there is no place for lavanya or other girl in my life only girl which holds position in my life and heart is only and only khushi i am only of khushi rest i dont know anyone" arnav said angrily which he holding for so long.

Arnav hold khushi's hand and drag her with him to room. " Arnav you can't take khushi like this " said anjali angrily

Arnav turned angrily " i can and i will take khushi with me she is my wife and i have damn every right to take her whenever wherever i want " said arnav

" Come khushi lets go to our room i am very much tired" arnav turned to khushi said her in very calmly and sweet way which again shocked khushi. She looked at arnav then to worried family members and before she can say anything arnav take her to their room

She was shocked as arnav talked to his family specially his di  so rudely and angrily and within a next second when he talk to her he changed completely .

Today Arnav Possessiveness for khushi was fully running  in arnav's blood and it was dripping from his every words and action While khushi she was not in the mind to think straight

Pain Or Redemption ( Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin