Chapter 2

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Luke's P.O.V

I left the guys down in the studio to keep working on setting out this whole band thing while I walked back up to the kitchen to grab some more food.

The front door opened and realised that dad was home which meant he would be going straight to the studio. I don't think he would mind us being down there as long as we didn't touch their instruments.

"Hey dad, Mike, Jaime, Vic how are you guys?" I questioned and they all stopped at the fridge to get what I think were cans of monster.

"We're good! We gonna be in the studio until late tonight so try not to stress out your mum too much yeah?" He said and I nodded.

"Where are your brother and sister?" Jaime asked and I cracked my knuckles, which is something I do when I get nervous. I may as well just tell the truth, there is no use lying to my dad.

"They are downstairs with Kate, whys that?" I said very slowly and he looked at me with a bit of an angered expression.

"You guys aren't supposed to be down there." He said and I nodded knowingly.

"But we have a reason why we are down there." I said and he cocked his head sideways as if to say carry on.

"Come down and we can all tell you our 'excuse'" I said and emphasised the word excuse.

I left the food on the counter and motioned for dad and the band to follow me to the studio.

"Guys, wanna tell us what you are doing down here?" Dad said and looked at all of us waiting for an explanation and of course, Liam was the first to speak.

"We were thinking of starting a band." He said and looked at all of us which we nodded our heads agreeing with what he said.

Dads eyes lit up and so did the rest of his band. The ran over and made us all sit in a circle obviously wanting to get more information.

"Who is doing what?" He asked first and we all went around saying our instrument.

"I'm bass player" Kate said and Jaime hi-fived Her.

"I'm lead guitar and back up screamer" Leia said and Vic and Tony hi-fived her too.

"I'm main vocalist and screamer" Liam said and he got fist numbs from everyone.

"And I guess that leaves me with the drums then" I said smiling and having Mike pat me on the back.

"I knew they were going to form a band someday, they are all freaking talented!" Jaime said and we all laughed with him.

"That's all we have really figured out but we will think of a name as the band progresses." Liam said and again we all nodded.

"Do you want to show is what you got?" Mike said and motioned to the band set up and all of our eyes lit up. Dad never let us use the instruments, especially the drum kit.

Tony gave Leia one of his guitars and she connected it to an amp also having Tony set up a mic and stand for her.

Kate and Jaime we doing the same but with a bass except she didn't have a microphone.

Vic helped Liam with his mic and hooked it up to a speaker.

And Mike helped me adjust to the drum kit which was perfect.

"What song are you gonna do?" Vic questioned and Liam looked at all of us then back at pierce the veil with a smirk. Get ready to have your minds blown.

"This one is called the depths by Of Mice & Men" and this was one of our favourite song which we all knew how to play.

I started to hit the crash symbol and then go into a steady beat as Leia Nd Kate started strumming the intro.

And in an instant we all became alive again but instead with the much as Liam and Leia started screaming as hard as they could.

We finished the song and all high fived eachother then looked back at Pierce the veil whose jaws were on the ground.

"Are you sure you're not Of Mice & Men because you sounded exactly like us." Austin said as him and his band just walked into the studio like it was no big deal.

We just played their song, and they heard it. Oh god.

"Liam, I knew those lessons have paid off. It sounded like i was listening to myself, it was amazing." Austin said and bro hugged him.

"I can't believe you just played together for the first time and sounded like you have been together for years. It was that amazing." Tony said and Austin and the guys nodded.

"I think we should all take a shower." I suggested and everyone nodded.

"We are in the studio until late so don't annoy your mother too much." Tony said and we all replied yes.

"The same goes for you Kate!" Jaime yelled in her face while planting a sloppy kiss on her forehead before she wiped it off on my shoulder. Ew. Jaime spit.

"I wonder hope that to more isn't as eventful as today I mean, k don't want to have to put up with the twins bullshit for another year." Kate said and I nodded.

"Liam and Leia went off to have a shower while Kate and I fell asleep together on the couch in Leias room.

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