Chapter 2

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"Phoenix! Didn't I say to not play my game!", Rain yelled at the top of her lungs trying to reach for her game console.

Phoenix just laughed easily lifting the console above her head. Rain puffed out in exhaustion then suddenly grinned up at her older brother. Phoenix's laughter stopped at Rains evil grin.

Immediately Rain punched as hard as she could into the centre of her brother's torso. Phoenix yelled out in surprise dropping the game whilst Rain grabbed her game in joy.

"You little devil. Why did need to do that", Phoenix growled as he sat heavily in the chair near his sister.

"Because this is the secret event viewing I get to see between Tarion and his mother of course! I played so many hours just to unlock it. You may not know but this is the reason for his......".

Phoenix snapped awake not being able to hear the end of his younger sisters words. He checked his body and tried his best not to scream in fright appearing in a woman's body once more.

"I swear something important happened but what was it?", he said scratching his head before shrugging it off as he began to clothe himself.

It had been a week since he had died and transported into a new world, more specific a otome world. Life had been plain and boring to the young empress.

Phoenix continued to care for his son, he would softly tell him the wonders of his world. He would tell the young prince all the mischief he'd get up to with his younger sister, he would talk about all the achievements he gained throughout his short lifespan in his previous world.

He glanced down at the curious looking baby who had become his son. The thoughts of his family began to weigh heavily upon Phoenix's mind. He took a deep breath and gently stroked his child's face.

"I wish you could see my family, even with this messed up situation I know for sure they would have loved you a lot and known what to do with raising you."

Phoenix continued walking along the palace gardens with Trica silently following her majesty and her crown prince. Although hearing her empress sad thoughts, she'd clench her fists knowing she could do nothing to lessen the sadness Phoenix was feeling.

"My mother and sister would never let you out of their sight, they were just those kind of people. Making sure that your every need would be sated and shower you with so much love that you'd get sick at the sight of them."

Phoenix became to look up towards the sky thinking of his family once more and felt his heart ache.

"Goodness, it seems to be raining today, isn't that right Trica?"

Of course it was not raining at all for the sun was shining brightly on them. The little prince even clutched his mother clothes sensing their sadness. Trica looked up confused but felt her whole being be filled with emptiness seeing such a expression on her beautiful empresses face.

"It is indeed a rainy day, your highness. Shall we take a break until House Azalea arrives?", Trica spoke gently trying to change the subject.

Phoenix wipes the tears off of his face and shook his head with renewed energy.

"No! We have time to visit those beauties, right son? Let us to my husbands mistresses Trica!"

Trica began to struggle with how fast her madame changed her mood and sighed in resignation, completing her orders.

"Understood your highness. But please be cautious, those *bitches* court ladies may show rather unreasonable attitudes towards your highness".

Phoenix grinned hearing Tricas slight mumble and nodded as this was what his main goal besides taking care of his son of course!

Within a few turns within the palace Phoenix and his son within his arms was welcomed with a unique aroma.  Phoenix recognised the familiar smell and a smirk spread across his face.

As his appearance was announced, a total of 8 beauties were lined perfectly in front of him, all stated their names and greeted her son as their nephew.

'So this is the harem that that cold bastard was sleeping with?!? 10/10 from me!', Phoenix thought in his mind, acknowledging each of their greetings.

"Trica, please hold my dearest son please", he said out loud carefully watching each of the woman's expressions.

Only 2 of the women were able to mask their emotions as he spoke those words. Immediately Phoenix erased the existence of the remaining woman. Truthfully he already knew every piece of information about each woman kept with the palace.

But he truly just wanted to see some new eye candy, before he eliminated any who would dare harm his son.

So with the woman who didn't react at all was guided towards a table providing tea and light refreshments whilst the others were dismissed.

Phoenix checked that his son was peacefully sleeping and took him back into his arms swaying back and forth. He then glanced meaningfully and asked curiously.

"Soooo how do you rate the almighty emperor in bed hm?"

Trica collapsed dropping all the dishes in her hands hearing her highness's shameless question, apologising for the noise.

The two women opposite her completely spat their tea out of their mouths, losing the sophisticated and elegant atmosphere they tried to uphold.

Phoenix on the other hand roared with laughter waking his small bundle of kinda joy with the noise.

"Ohhh I'm going to enjoy seeing you two again!"

He said with laughter whilst his eyes were full of mischief, finally finding a source of entertainment in the boring life of being royalty.

"I'm sure you would know best wouldn't you Phoe"a deep yet extremely seductive voice spat out annoyed.

Any laughter Phoenix had vanished at the sound of that very voice. Everyone surrounded the couple immediately knelt in his presence, just emphasising how powerful this man was.

Phoenix cleared his voice and calmly turned around looking at the man whom was his husband. And with the most plastic smile he had, Phoenix shamelessly replied.

"Well I personally would say you're a good 2 out of 10".

Trica immediately fainted on the spot.

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