Three - Classic, but Not Classy

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Today, Reece was gonna be the best he was ever gonna be. He waved to every single person he knew, and he even waved to the people he didn't. He gave Marcy the two fish he was set to give her, and the additional saved fish he put in a separate plastic bag during lunch.

    "Wow, Reece! You really got me back my original fish and gave me two more? You're such a nice guy!" Marcy, being the adorable child she was, hugged Reece, and Reece hugged her back.

    "Thanks, Marcy. Do you still forgive me for the traumatic experience?"

    "Yeah! I will admit, I did overreact a bit. I could've just done what you did." Marcy stopped hugging Reece and twirled around in a circle. Reece felt like Marcy put on her pink skirt from her old ballerina costume just to twirl around in it, but, he did like blue with pink.   In fact, Reece also liked hoodies, since both of the kids were wearing one. Marcy had a nice navy blue one, and Reece had a red one.

    "Hey, wait, Marcy."


    "Have you ever taken that hoodie off before?"

    "Have you?" While Marcy didn't have a degree in reverse psychology, she sure was good at it. She must've gotten it from her father. He's a psychologist, as it turns out, and he also does the same work as Mrs. Selma does.

    "You know what, Marcy? You're one of a kind. I feel like there are only a few people like you that I know, and that's what makes you so special." Reece smiled, which was very rare for him to do to Marcy. Just then, he picked her up in a hug and swung her around.

    "Yikes! I think I got motion sickness just from you doing that."

    "Oh, well, thanks, I guess?" Reece didn't know what to say, as nobody had ever told him that sort of compliment before. If it even was a compliment, as a matter of fact.

After lunch, Reece kept following the "Nice Guy" initiative, waving, hugging, and speaking to people.

He spoke to River about writing and poetry, Tia with television shows and true crime, and Kira with old kids shows and home movies. It seemed like all was going perfectly well. Well, was until Tim showed up.

Tim was one of those cliche tough guys straight out of high school movies. He was equipped with a white shirt, a black leather jacket, and he had the same messy brown hair he always did. To top it off, he had his own goons too. Both of the ones who usually stuck with him were both 5 inches shorter than he was. It was a little scary, actually.

It all started while Reece was walking to the bathroom, which was just through the quad, during the break period, and then Tim and his annoying goons stood right behind him. Tim grabbed the back of Reece's hoodie, nearly choking him. Not hard enough to hurt him, but just enough to get his attention.

"Hey, deer boy. What're you doin' round these parts?" Tim said, chuckling. His voice was so deep for only being a year older than Reece.

"Not in the mood for it, tough guy. Go pick on a girl or something, you loser." Reece said, as he kept walking. Tim went in for a surprise and grabbed Reece's waist, turning him around.

"I didn't say I was done yet, now did I? Answer me, Reece." Tim smirked, as his friends looked on, clearly amused.

"Yeah, um-"

"Quiet, Ryder. You're a redhead for a reason, you-" Reece tried to finish, but he was swept up off of his feet by Tim picking him up.

"What'd you just say?" Tim raised an eyebrow, as Reece kicked and squirmed.

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