Chapter Ten: Sparring

Beginne am Anfang

Mr. Port: A bold new approach. I like it!

Ruby: C'mon, Weiss, show it who's boss!

Losing her focus once again, Weiss turned to glare at Ruby, only for the beast to turn it's body and rip the sword away from her grip. In that time, the sword was finally loose, laying behind the Grimm as it knocked down its opponent with its tusks.

Ryoma: Ohhhhh no...

Mr. Port: Oh ho!

Ryoma: This is looks bad.

Mr. Port: What will you do without your weapon?

As the Grimm charged once more at her, Weiss rolled beside it, dodging it as she sprinted towards Myrtenaster. Grabbing the weapon from the ground, the young girl took another stance as her young leader gave advice.

Ruby: Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armor there!

Finally, she snapped. Turning her head towards her leader, Weiss rebuttaled in anger.

Weiss: Ruby! Stop telling me what to do!

Looking beside him, the Tenno saw Ruby's face react to the rebuttal, from an expression of happiness to one of distraught and hurt

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Looking beside him, the Tenno saw Ruby's face react to the rebuttal, from an expression of happiness to one of distraught and hurt. Looking down at herself, the young girl shook her head in shame as the creature shrieked in agony beside them.

Ryoma: Geez.

Mr. Port: Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

Ryoma: Miss Schnee...

Looking back up at Weiss, the Tenno saw her glare at them before leaving the classroom.

Looking back up at Weiss, the Tenno saw her glare at them before leaving the classroom

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Ryoma: Was there really a need for that?

One Hour Later...
Miss Goodwitch's Combat Class...

Glynda: For today, we only have time for one sparring session. A mock up of a matchup among you here. Mr. Nagare, you will serve as the first match of the year. Could you please step forward into the arena?

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