c h a r a c t e r s.

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a famous artist best known for abstract works with hidden meanings, none of which he has ever explained

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a famous artist best known for abstract works with hidden meanings, none of which he has ever explained. bored of his work and has hit a plateau, struggling to find motivation to keep paying his bills. lately his pieces have been lacking something but he can't seem to figure it out.


a graphic design major who stumbled upon some of hoseok's works in the past and when he saw the new ones, he hated them

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a graphic design major who stumbled upon some of hoseok's works in the past and when he saw the new ones, he hated them. he finds the paintings to be lacking and just out right terrible, and he's not afraid to let him know, even if it was by accident that they met.


a man without a purpose yet is coasting through life as if he did

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a man without a purpose yet is coasting through life as if he did. past traumas left him a broken mess of a person, hoping for one day to be properly glued back together either through love or death. he's not sure which one is more appealing.


who was he? what did he want? why was he here? he tried to figure it out through his art but nothing seemed to work

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who was he? what did he want? why was he here? he tried to figure it out through his art but nothing seemed to work. maybe if he tried harder, focused more, trusted more, he could figure out what it was that he was missing.


he believed the only label that could fit him perfectly was "the ex

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he believed the only label that could fit him perfectly was "the ex." he couldn't help it, the fact that he hardly felt anything at the time, but he was too afraid to admit that he feels everything now. and he can't seem to grow the balls to admit that he messed up, and he wanted to try again.



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he loved art. he went by the art gallery whenever he could, just to see if any of his sculptures got there. they never did, but he still dreamed of one day walking down a hallway and seeing "RM" on a plaque next to a piece of his work.


how do you explain to someone that you feel so disconnected with yourself that you don't even think it's you who's looking back through the mirror? every day is a constant struggle to stay true to yourself, and he can hardly even convey it into wo...

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how do you explain to someone that you feel so disconnected with yourself that you don't even think it's you who's looking back through the mirror? every day is a constant struggle to stay true to yourself, and he can hardly even convey it into words, considering he barely spoke. that's why "his" art helped him convey it.

taeseok, namkook, jinmin, yoonseok

sad undertones, mentions of suicide, depression, sexual harassment, etc.

watch me post this and then remove it lmao!

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