3. Are We Dead

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okay so here's the next chapter, i'd really like to kno what you think so if you could comment that'd be great :P


Lacey groaned, lifting her hand to her head as she sat herself up, knowing the sight around her to be a hospital room from her week-long stint a couple of months back. Surprisingly enough she found herself in a black vest top, and some matching yoga pants – the ones she’d had enough time to grab on the way out of the door leaving Bobby’s.

Blinking, she stepped off the bed, worried her legs were going to give out but they held steady. The floor didn’t even feel cold through her socks, which was surprising. Then she realised she didn’t feel anything, and even with the highest dose of medication, there would be some form of sensation in her body.

Taking a shaky breath to brace herself, she turned and her eyes fell upon her body, lying unconscious on the bed she just climbed off of. Her forehead was bandaged, and from what she could see, a strip of hair above her right ear had been shaved off completely, revealing a long gash with at least thirty stitches and several other cuts around it. Her right arm was in a cast, and some scratches and bruises were visible on her face, neck and chest, one long enough to cut into the tattoo over her heart.

She was wired up to several monitors, a tube down her throat and one up her nose. She expected it to feel uncomfortable . . . if she woke up that was. Stepping out of the room, she spotted Dean standing in the doorway of the room across from her, his back to her.

“Dean?” she asked, doubting he would hear her.

“Lacey?!” he turned, his eyes widening in surprise, then a look of horror took over his face, “Oh god no, please no,” he pushed passed her and stopped, staring at her lifeless body.

“You too huh?” she asked, smiling sadly as she noticed Dean’s unconscious form. “You know this is typical, one day with you and I’m already in the hospital.”

“Lace,” Dean looked extremely guilty and she chuckled.

“I’m joking Dean.”

“So now what?” he asked after a minute, “Just wait for Sammy or my dad to wander up?”

“I guess so,” she agreed, sliding down the wall in the hallway next to her room door. Dean did the same on his side. “So . . . out of body experience huh, this is a new one for me. I mean, i got injured a fair bit with NYPD and SWAT, but never enough for this.”

“Yeah about that, i don’t like that,” Dean admitted, “Why the hell would you work for the cops, let alone the Special Weapons and Tactics team? It's is the most dangerous place to be in Law Enforcement I’ll have you know!”

“This is what i meant by our relationship not working Dean,” Lacey chuckled.

“What? That i don’t agree with your choices?”

“No, more that you’d rather i stayed well away from trouble, and i like to be right in the middle of it. If i didn’t know any better i would think you thought of me as a sister.”

Dean pondered the idea for a bit, then grinned, “Nah, i totally find you hot, and there are too many fantasies that completely destroy the brother-sister idea.”

“Good to know,” she grinned back, “And as for my career? I was walking by some abandoned warehouses, and one of the guys suspected of murdering like nine Arabic women and blowing up a mosque, grabbed me, making me a hostage. Of course i whipped his ass like no tomorrow, and Carter, that’s my Officer in charge at SWAT, figured he could use someone like me on the team. After that i had to find a job in the regular office, you know, until i was needed and i just kinda found my way to SVD. I mean after everything we’ve seen, a body isn’t going to scare me. I guess that’s why i was so liked on my team, i didn’t run screaming.”

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