Chapter two

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The first thing that returned to my awareness was sound. A constant soft beeping sound. Quiet breathing from whoever else was with me. I groaned softly as I moved my arms. I didn't want to be awake. I wanted to be with May and Ben. I felt something tickling my nose I moved my arm that wasn't sore to move it. My hand was swatted away. "Peter don't touch that."

'Tony' I thought. I guess I must have said it out loud because the next response I got was.

"Yeah, Pete. It's me," I could hear the concern in his voice, the hurt and slight anger that lingered. I opened my eyes only to shut them as soon as I got them open. The light was too bright. I groaned once more in discomfort.

"Fri, dim the lights," Tony said. I opened my eyes. Slower this time and looked at Tony. He looked relieved, sad, hurt, a bit angry. I wanted to close them again, I didn't want to see the disappointment, the anger, the pain. I felt my lip tremble, my vision blurry with the threat of unshed tears.

"Tony..." I started softly. "I..I'm...sorry..." I mumbled.

"Oh, Peter..." Tony exclaimed softly. "I should have realized how bad you were hurting,"

"We all should have," came another voice. I looked to the door and Steve stood there. I looked back at Tony. He looked like he was about to cry. Bruce walked in at that moment. He walked over to me, not saying a word. He looked troubled.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't get to. "Peter if you ever scare us like that again, so help you, god. You managed to tear your ulnar artery. For a while, we thought you weren't gonna make it." He said as he picked up my unharmed wrist.

I couldn't help but feel even more guilty. I opened my mouth to say I was sorry again but all that came out was a strangled sob.

"Don't cry, Pete. Please don't cry," Tony said. I closed my eyes once again. Not wanting to see the disappointment that I could feel in the air.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry.." I muttered like a mantra once I found my words. I couldn't stop. No matter how hard I tried. I felt strong arms wrap around me as I was pushed against a hard chest. My arms were being held down, but I didn't feel trapped. I felt safe.

"Shh Pete. It's okay. It's okay." I heard the low rumble in his chest as Tony spoke. I could finally breathe again. I slumped against Tony letting my head rest on his chest. Listening to the steady, strong thump of his heartbeat. I soon found myself calming down. I let the arms of sleep take me into their grasp.


As Peter fell asleep against Tony's chest, he looked to Steve and Bruce who both shared his worried look. Tony slowly and carefully laid the teen back on the bed.

"I'm worried about him," Tony said softly.

"We all are," Three heads snapped to the doorway. Clint, Natasha, Rhodey, hell even Sam were standing there.

"How is he?" Natasha asked her voice uncharastically soft.

"Physically, much better. His wrist is almost completely healed. Mentally...well that's another story," Bruce said. They all decided to take turns watching their little spider until he woke up.


A groan emitted from the teen. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. A migraine forming in the back of his mind. He opened his eyes and looked around, noticing he was alone. His mind started coming up with reasons. He couldn't remember the nightmare, but he knew that's why he woke up.

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