Chapter one

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Peter laid on his back looking up at the sky. He was now on top of the apartment building he and May lived in. May was attacked. She was murdered by a robber. Peter had been out patrolling when he got the call. Peter grabbed his phone and tried to call Tony once again. "Hello, if you are hearing this I am busy at the moment and you shouldn't have my personal number anyway. Please leave a message after the beep"

Peter closed his eyes, feeling the threat of oncoming tears as he listened to the voicemail. "Hey..Mr. Stark...something came up and...just call me back..." He said in a teary voice before hanging up.

Peter sat up. A deep feeling of hopelessness pooled in the pit of his stomach. A sob tore through the quiet afternoon.

He tried to call Tony again. Finally getting a reply.

Avengers Tower

"Mr. Stark, second incoming call from Peter," F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke as their show was paused once again. The Avengers were sitting around the living room.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?" Tony asked as soon as he heard Peter sniffing in the other end.

"May's gone..." Peter said quietly.

"What do you mean gone...? Did she leave?" Tony asked. He heard a faint chuckle that was drowned by a sob.

"Yes Mr. Stark, I'm calling you because May went on a vacation," Peter said sarcastically. "Mr. Stark....She's dead...," Peter said as tears began streaming down his face. "I can't do this anymore Mr. Stark..," Peter said giving up. "She's gone...They killed her...Mr. Stark...oh god," Peter let loose a heart-wrenching sob.

"Shit!" Tony cursed as he scrambled to get to the teen. His voice was panicked.

With Peter

There was frantic rustling on the other line before Peter heard engines starting. Peter looked down over the edge. He wanted so badly to let go, but he found himself unable to. He fell to his knees, sobs wracking his body. His shoulders shook with the force of his sobs.

After a few minutes, he felt strong arms wrap around his arms and chest, pulling him into a standing position. "Let's get you home..," Came the sad voice of Tony Stark. Peter knew what Tony meant by home. He didn't mean back to the apartment himself and May shared. He meant the Stark Tower.

Peter was hyperventilating. He felt his chest constricting tightly and he felt like he couldn't breathe. "Peter. I need you to calm down," Tony's cool voice laced with slight panic rang through his head.

"She's...gone...Tony....she's gone...they killed her...they killed her while I was...Oh god...," Peter said. It was very clear that the teen was distraught. Tony was not the best at comforting. Peter continued to hyperventilate as his mind flooded with everything that went on the past two days. Peter saw black edging his vision. He began to feel lightheaded. Tony's attempts to get him to calm down were failed. Peter let the cold arms of unconsciousness take him.


The first thing Peter noticed when he woke up was the soft bed that practically swallowed him. He looked around the room. He realized he was at Stark Tower. Everything came flooding back to him all at once.

Peter slid off the bed and walked out. He saw the Avengers lazing around the living room. Peter padded quietly to the couch and sat down in between Steve and Tony. "Hey, Kiddo. How are you feeling?" Tony asked. Peter frowned for a second.

"Better...?" It was more of a question. Peter didn't look so sure.

"Are you asking me?" Tony joked before turning serious. "How are you really feeling?"

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