The beggining

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"Sakura! Sakura!"

Sakura let out a groan. She heard the door open revealing her mother. She pulled the sheets off her exposing Sakura to cold air. "Sakura get up c'mon!" Sakura let out another groan. "Just like, 5 more minutes and I promise I'll get up..." Sakura's mother sighed. "Too bad, its your first day of high school... And. you were so excited too.. Oh well" Sakura's mom walked out. The pinkette suddenly jumped off her bed. "First day of high school!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. She ran to her closet and put on her uniform.

Sakura checked if she left anything. "Alright I'm ready!!" She ran down the stairs passing her mom and towards the door. Sakura's mother yelled. "Sakura your breakfast!" Sakura then stopped. Sakura turned around and sat on a chair. "Heh! Sorry mom!"


Sakura ran towards school. When she made it to the entrance she stopped. "Okay, I can do this but first... Lemme take a selfie hehe!" She took out her phone. By the time she took the pic a boy with long blonde hair bumped into her. Sakura hissed. "Hey!" The boy just scoffed and continued walking. "What a jerk!" She said to herself. Then some arms wrapped around her. She turned around to see Ino her childhood friend. "Ino!" Sakura hugged the blonde girl tightly. After they let go Ino spoke. "Its been a while Sakura! Wanna go look for the others?" Sakura nodded. They both walked into the school.

As Sakura and Ino walked to the main school fountain they saw Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata and TenTen sitting next to it. Ino started to wave at them and Sakura followed behind. "Hey guys!" She said happily. Naruto sat up. "Hey Ino! Hey Sakura!" Sakura waved her hand in greeting and sat next to Sasuke. The raven hair gave her a peace sign before taking out a book to read. Ino looked around. "Hey where are the others?" TenTen crossed her feet and spoke. "Well Lee and Neji are signing up for karate... Didn't know this school had it." Hinata nodded. "Kiba and Shino are both running late" Ino then crossed her arms. "And Shikamaru amd Choji..?" This time Naruto spoke. "Shika is obviously going to be teacher's aid... As usual and Choji is Probably in the lunchroom" Ino nodded.

Sakura looked around the area. There were lots of new faces. The only one's she knew that weren't in her group was Sasuke's brother, Itachi Uchiha who was hanging out with a few others. She then realized one of them was the jerk that pushed her. She wasn't surprised he'd be there but that still angered her.

Sakura stood up. She managed to make eye contact with the male. "Sakura where are you going?" Naruto asked lifting his head. Sasuke sighed and flipped a page from his book not caring. Sakura ignored them, she was too busy exchanging glares with this dude. As she was about to walk forward the bell rang and everyone walked to their classes. "What is your first class?" Naruto walked to her with Sasuke behind. She looked at her schedule. "Um, oh! Math!" Naruto beamed. "I have it too!" Sasuke walked to them putting his bag on. "So do I" Ino, TenTen and Hinata waved bye at them.  Sakura put away her schedule and made her way to her first class with Naruto and Sasuke.

As she trotted Sakura saw Itachi walking towards them. He waved at them and pushed Sasuke's head back. "Stop!" Sasuke complained. Itachi let out a chuckle. "See you at lunch little bro..." He then walked to his friends who were all laughing. Sasuke fixed his hair and scoffed. "Ignore him guys let's just go..." Sakura and Naruto nodded and continued to class.


When they made it to the classroom Sakura saw Shikamaru talking to Temari. They were both organizing paper for the teacher. Naruto waved at them "Shikamaru, Temari!" He said in his usual loud tone. Temari shushed him. Sakura giggled and sat down. Sasuke sat in front while Naruto next to her.

The day went on so quickly. Sakura walked out of school stretching. "Ahh finally!" Naruto walked next to her. "I know!" Ino ran towards them. "How was it?" Sakura sighed. "Tiring!" They all laughed. "Well I gotta go! See you two tomorrow!" They waved at Ino. "Hey where's Sasuke?" Naruto said looking around. Sasuke looked at them as he was about to get in his car with Itachi. He then looked at his brother and ran back to Naruto and Sakura. "I'll walk with you guys... Itachi invited his friends over and I barely fit in the van" Naruto and Sakura nodded. "Yeah! and we can all go play basketball!" Sakura suggested. They both gave her a smile and started to walk to where the court was.

As the three walked to the court Sakura took the basketball from Naruto's bag. "How does this even fit here?" Naruto shrugged. "You know my name not my story" Sakura sighed and tossed it to Sasuke. "Catch!"

After a long game of basketball they all sat on a bench drinking some energy drinks. Sasuke then hung his bag over his shoulder and looked at his watch. "7:30... They're probably still hanging out with Itachi at home.. But I have to leave" Naruto and Sakura whined. "Ah c'mon Sasuke!" Naruto protested. Sasuke shook his head. "Sorry Naruto, I can't stay longer or my mother will worry... Take care" He waved and walked off. Sakura and Naruto waved back.

Sakura's phone then vibrated. She took her phone out and it turned out to be a message from her mom. "Naruto I have to leave as well" Naruto let out a long sigh. Sakura giggled and Sweatdropped. "Sorry Naruto!" Naruto then smiled. "Then I'll walk you home! I only live three houses apart from yours!" Sakura smiled. "Alright!" As they both walked they passed Sasuke's house. He was visible through his bedroom window. "Looks like he's playing on his PS4" Naruto said looking up. Sakura then saw that Itachi and his friends were all partying non stop outside. Sakura then noticed the blonde guy. She pushed Naruto. "Let's go before they see us and think we're stalkers" Naruto shrugged. "Okay."

Naruto stuck his hands in his pockets and whistled. Sakura sighed. "Hey Naruto?" Naruto looked at the pinkette. "Hm?" Sakura looked up at the dawn sky. "Do you think Sasuke is okay?" Naruto lifted his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Sakura adjusted her jacket. "Its just that everytime Itachi is around he gets really anxious and silent... Well... Not the normal silent" Naruto nodded "Yeah I get what you mean!" When they finally made it to Sakura's home Naruto waved at her. "See you in fortnite!" He said running off. "We're not playing that!! Its my turn to pick the game!!" She yelled. Sakura sighed. She walked in to see her father and mother on the table. "Hello Sakura come eat!" Sakura shook her head. "Let me take a shower first mom, I was playing basketball" She ran upstairs to her room to get clothes. Then she walked to the bathroom and stepped onto the shower.

"Today was... Something"

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