Chapter 1- My Arrival

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It was a bright and sunny day in Magnolia and you were finally in Magnolia after travelling a gruesome 4 hour trip. You(Y/N) lived in the village of Shimmer Town. It is a beautiful town that has a beautiful scenery and had fresh air. It was known to be a well-known tourist town with about 700,000 people living there. It was pretty quiet although there were many tourists. You(Y/N) lived there for 7 years with your family. Next month is your birthday and you(Y/N) would officially be 16. You(Y/N) are a wizard and the reason why you came to Magnolia was to join the famous and none other than the guild called FAIRY TAIL.(I will reveal my magic later on in the story.) You(Y/N) walked alone, looking quite presentable as you just arrived in town. You(Y/N) had medium bust and the perfect figures or curves. You(Y/N) got off the train and put on your hood and walked excitedly. You(Y/N) asked for directions to go to FAIRY TAIL and after about 2 hours, you finally found it. 


'This is it. There's no turning back now and no regrets, i hope.' I told youself. I calmly pushed open the guild doors and walked in. I saw peoplefighting, drinking,talking and doing other stuffs. I took off my hood and muttered to myself,"Finally, I'm here." and lowered my head. After that, I saw a guy with pink spiky ahir and a scaly white scarf walking over towards me. I heard him say," What about you being here?" I raised my head, shocked at him talking to me. I saw that the guild was quiet and realised that everyone had stopped whatever they were doing and looked at me. I then looked at the pink haird guy and he just stood there with a shocked and terrified look on his face. I asked softly in a melodic voice," What's wrong?" He pinted at my face and i touched the side of it, it was wet. I then realised that i was crying. I then dried my tears with a smile and said, " It's nothing. I just got too excited knowing that i'm finally reached Magnolia and in FAIRY TAIL. It was a dream of mine to join FAIRY TAIL, so i guess i got too worked up." I said while laughing. After that, he asked," What's your name?" I had a blush on my face as his face was right in front of my face so i could feel his breath on my face. I replied softly," Um.. Can you stand a little further?" He had a confused look on his face and asked,"Why?" while getting closer to me. My face started to blush more and he didnt understand until a guy with almost black hair (dark blue/raven) wtih only his underwear came up toward him and said," Natsu, just get back, you're too close to her and she's shy." as he pulled him back. Suddenly someone said," Gray, clothes." and the guy in only his boxers looked at himself and had a shocked look on his face as he started to look for his clothes. A sweatdrop was behind my head as I saw this. The pink hair guy said," Sorry about that." while rubbing the back of his neck with a blush on his face. He said again," So, what's your name?" I replied softly saying ," Um... I... I-I.. I am.. I am..." I started to stutter as many people were looking at me waiting for me to say my name. Suddenly, my vision started to blur and i started to wobble a bit and before i knew it, everything went dark. I heard someone yell," Hey, are you okay?" before it turned dark completely. 

No one's POV

Apparently, you forgot to have your breakfast and lunch as you were determined to get to FAIRY TAIL immediately. So, you fainted due to hunger.


"Um... I...I-I...I am...I am..." as she was going to say her name. I was waiting impatiently for her to say her name. But suddenly, she started to wobble and started to fall to the ground. I ran and yelll," Hey, are you okay?" but she fell, passing out. I ran up to her, picking her up from the ground and shook her but no avail. I then carried her bridal style and shouted loudly," Wendy, Mira, Happy!" Mira then said loudly, " Bring her to the back room for Wendy to treat her." Wendy then ran and said, "Hai!" and Happy said,"Aye!" while flying near me as I ran towards the back romm. Everyone cleared the path for me to clear. I carried her to the back room and put her down on one of the beds and Wendy immediatly started to heal her and Mira was preparing some things for her for when she wakes up. I then stared at her face and realised she was quite pretty. I then walked out of the room, together with Happy as Wendy was in the process of healing her. Gray, Erza, Lucy and Carla then asked me what happened to her. I then said flatly," I dont know, Wendy is still healing her." HAppy said," Aye!" and Carla just flew into the room to check on Wendy.Then, after waiting patiently, for a while, Wendy came out of the room with Carla flying near her. We then asked loudly," How is she?" Wendy said with a smile," She's fine but...."  We said," But what?" Wendy continued," But she fainted because she was too hungry." She said a small laugh. We then said," So that's why she fainted." We then chuckled a bit after a heaving a sigh of relief. Then, we all turn to look at the guild door as something stood at there. Or maybe SOMEONE.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, I'm new at writing and this is my first fan-fic. I'm sorry if I can't update much because my exams are approaching soon so i can only update a few weeks later. Please try to understand. Anyways , I hope you like this chapter and I know that it might not be very good so comment and tell me what you think I can improve on. I will appreciate it very much. Please like too!:) Stay tuned for my updates too!

By: Joanne1710

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