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Okay if you normally just read this feel free to skip I'm just putting in an OC form as it does get boring just typing and typing the same one all over and over again 

Name: Kya Lyven

Nickname: Lyve, Ky

Age: 17-21 dependent on rp 

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Human

Nationality: Australian but has been born and raised in china

Birthplace: China

Personality: Kya is not sporty at all. She is rather quiet but stubborn. Kya knows how and when to pick her fights but can sometimes come off as aggressive and violent, she does have a short temper and can be very very sensitive and can also be boar headed

Appearance: Kya has charcol black hair and ocean blue eyes. She has hair that falls down to her elbow, she is often seen in something casual and comfy like an oversized shirt with shorts or a button up shirt with jeans but she doesn't care as long as she is comfy.

height: Kya stands at 5'2 

weight: 100lbs or roughly 45kg 

scars: None worth mentioning 

Tattoos or piercings: none 

Likes: Kya loves herself a rainy day or two. She is a lover of music and the arts, she is a huge foodie and she loves winter time and playing the piano

Passions: Music 

Dislikes: Kya hates sports she hates it with a passion and if she could she would make it illegal. Kya also hates her veggies and will only ever have a fruit salad or the only exception being a chicken Caesar salad

Hates with a passion: Sports

Hobbies: Playing piano and being a couch potato if you count that as a hobby

Illnesses/disorders: depression and separation anxiety

Backstory: Nothing much Kya just grew up in a normal household. Her parents had issues and she grew up with her brother

Birthday: October 19

Zodiac sign: Libra 

Fears: Heights and loosing people she loves 

strengths: Maths and Music 

Weaknesses: Her emotions


Amelia- mother, alive

Niall- father, alive

Hayden- brother, alive

Theme song: you should see me in a crown

Other: she wears glasses

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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