Take My Heart // WWE

Start from the beginning

It is a building full of people on the verge of tears or in the case of the balding gentleman with the bouquet to my right literally crying. My heart clenches in my chest as he sniffles, wiping at his eyes hoping no one is watching him.

I wish I could say something to make him feel better, but there aren't enough words to ease the hurt and embarrassment he's feeling. "Are you okay?" His head lifts in my direction, his blue eyes red underneath, whether from the tears or from the sleepless nights preparing for today, I don't know.

"I . . ." He lifts the flowers and shrugs, a mutual understanding between us. "thought she was the one, I guess not."

I nod, swallowing the lump that's forming in my throat. "She sounds ugly if that makes you feel any better."

The corner of his mouth lifts momentarily, an exhale breath that resembles a laugh escapes his nostrils. "Suppose I'll never know. Someone should get these." He extends his hand to me and a smile stretches across my face. "Pretty flowers for a pretty girl."

I bring them up to my nose and inhale the sweet floral smell. "I love them, thanks." I pause, "You'll find the one someday, you're too sweet not to."

"Are you available?" He winks.

I chuckle under my breath, "Afraid not." Movement over his shoulder draws my attention, "And here comes the reason why."

Bobby's eyes touch mine, a boyish grin spreads across his face and it knocks the wind out of me. His pace quickens, tossing his bag down and engulfing me into a hug. "Oh god, I've missed you so much . . ." He says under his breath, it seems more to himself than to me.

I giggle wrapping my arms around him, "I've missed you too."

He plants a quick kiss on my lips, he pulls back with a furrowed brow staring down at the bouquet then to the man that gave them to me. His arm heavily falls on my shoulders as he pulls me closer into his chest as if to claim me as his.

The man smiles, "Don't let this one get away, she's a keeper." He says before walking away.

Bobby looks a little puzzled. "Hm," he finally says, "My girl, making friends everywhere she goes."

I shrug with a smile, "I guess, so how was your trip?"

"You know the usual, I kicked ass gloriously." My eyes roll at his catchphrase.

Mhmm, "I'm sure you were spectacular."

"There are talks of a heel turn, which I really think will push me into that main-eventer spot."

"About time, I was wondering how long it would take them to realize your better playing a bad guy."

"I'm already an asshole so it's an easy role to take on."

"You are not!"

He shrugs with a smile, "Depends who you ask, Sweetheart. I just happen to like you." He winks.

I chuckle, "Well aren't I fortunate."

"What do you wanna do tomorrow? I was thinking dinner at . . . what's that face your making?"


"Don't you dare say what I think your gonna say."

"I have to leave in the morning--"


"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I got this big opportunity to work with Charlotte in The Mix Match Challenge after Smackdown, I need to be in Dallas."

"I haven't seen you in a week . . ."

"This is important, Amy. If I want to grow with this company, I need to be a yes man for a few years. That's what will give us the life we want in the future."

"All I want is a life with you, Bobby. Whether that be in an apartment or a mansion, a Kia Soul or a Bentley, none of that matters to me I only want you."

"And you have me, I want to give you the life you deserve and this is how I do that. I thought you understood that?"

"I did, I mean, I do."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I need you to be around more."

"And I will. I have to get over this hump first, it's how this business works. If I slow down now I'll be shoved to the back and become an afterthought. Then who knows how long they'll keep me around before releasing me, all of this would have been for nothing."

"How long?"


"Before you can slow down, how long? Months? Years? How long am I supposed to sit around waiting to be more important than your job?"

"You already are more important."

"It doesn't feel like it."

"If it really came down to it, Amy, you or my job I'd choose you every single time." I scoffed, "You don't believe me?"

"Only because you've shown time and time again otherwise. I get it, I do, wrestling is what you love and I want you to do what makes you happy." I pause, "I want you to do what makes you happy . . ." I repeat under my breath, realizing how selfish I'm being. "Nevermind, let's forget about this. I want to enjoy the little time we do have."

"No, where's this coming from? You've never been thrilled with how much I work but this is a whole nother level."

"I'm sorry I even brought it up, you're right works important."

"Not more than your feelings, talk to me, what am I missing here?"

"I'm worried that I'll have to do this alone."

His arms wrap around me pulling me against his chest, my eyes close; focusing on his heartbeat. "Do what alone?" Silence, "I love you, Amy, no matter what it is I'm here for you."

My eyes touch his as I lift my head, "I'm pregnant."

"You're . . ." He trails off,

"I know it's horrible timi--"

"Horrible? This is a lot of things, unexpected probably being at the top of the list but definitely not horrible. We're having a baby! That's, I mean, that's incredible." His hand finds its way to my stomach


He flashes me that boyish grin of his, "Of course, I'm gonna call Vince when we get home and let him know he needs to find someone else. I don't wanna leave my girls."

"It could be a boy, ya' know,"

His head shakes, "Wanna bet?" He asks as we make our way to the exit.

Okay, maybe airports are a little romantic.

Okay, maybe airports are a little romantic

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Glorious enough for you? 

I added a few things to make it longer.

Anyways sorry about the wait!

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