Tonight // WWE

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❝Can't deny our chemistry

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Can't deny our chemistry. . .

With each step I took, I felt the air around me thicken. From the moment I went through the curtain I knew something was off, there was this looming feeling, she wasn't there. She's always there, she's like the post office rain, snow, win, lose she always showed up for me and tonight was the biggest win of my career. I expected her arms to fling around my neck in a tight hug before I even made it all the way through.

My pace quickened as the uneasy feeling grew, I just needed to see her, know she was okay. It was completely irrational plenty of things could've come up but the more I thought about it the harder it was to form an excuse. There were very few people that meant more to her than me and there was no one that I cared about more than her.

I swung around the doorframe into her and Billie's locker room and froze. "What's wrong?" I've been punched in the face more times than I can remember, I've broken bones, torn ligaments and none of that compared to the ache in my chest right then. Peyton's usually hazel eyes were a vibrant green as they touched mine, bloodshot and glistening with more tears. "What happened, Peyton?" I asked with a little more urgency crossing the room and kneeling beside her.

Those big beautiful eyes shifted to my shoulder and her being the most selfless person I know, forced out a smile. "You won. I'm so sorry, I should've been there." The WWE championship fell from my shoulder to the floor, it wasn't important anymore. I only had one focus and that was her.

"Forget that. What's wrong?" I repeated, clasping her hand in mine.

Her head shook, freehand wiping at her cheeks. "No, we should celebrate. Tonight's your night, Tre."

I sighed knowing this was pointless. "Billie?" Her friend's brown eyes darted between the two of us clearly struggling with what to do.

Frustration grew on her face as the war inside herself wagered on. "Tye cheated on her." She suddenly blurted out, hands shooting up to cover her mouth in shock. Billie's lips kept moving, probably apologizing or explaining in further detail but I couldn't hear them. Anger vibrated in my chest with a current far greater than I'd ever felt before.

It was like I no longer had control of my body, every primal instinct in me screaming to protect what I loved. I felt her hands pulling on my shirt as I rushed out the door, I could even hear the faintest muffled sound of her voice. That didn't stop me though.

I stalked my way through the hallways, I must have been shouting because everyone around me scattered with fear, my best guess would be that I was calling out his name; daring him to show himself. I allowed him to be with Peyton, the woman I loved with all I was because he made her happy. That was a mistake. He didn't deserve her.   

When Dillinger finally came into view I didn't hesitate to charge, my shoulder slammed into his midsection, hands pulling his legs out from underneath him. We crashed down to the ground and without missing a beat my hands started swinging like they had a mind of their own. Left, right, right, left, his arms were trying to protect his face, my arms not really caring where they hit as long as they made contact with his body.

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