Olivia pov

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Emily fell asleep on my lap, I was leaned against the bathtub; I looked at her arms and saw the scars from when she was imprisoned in that warehouse...

'What did we do wrong?' I murmur as a tear rolls down my cheek. Charles walked into the bathroom and sat down next to me, 'we didnt do anything wrong...'

He looks at me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

' I don't think we have ever argued this bad, and I don't like it..So let's not argue, let's move on ok?'

I look at him and smile, 'agreed.'

'Now we can't stay here all night so I'll get Emily into bed and you can turn the lights off' he picks up Emily and puts her into bed as he used to when she was a little girl.

I went upstairs and laid down in our bed and so did he.

The next couple of weeks went by, each night Emily would wake up from a nightmare or a panic attack and me or Charles would end up spending the night calming her down.. however she's gotten better, she's slept through the night for the past week although she hasn't been able to go to crowded spaces without having a panic attack
She got really well, and I thought she was finally getting back to herself...However,
This morning she sat with me in the kitchen while I made chicken pie. She was on my old phone so she could socialise with her friends.
Emily pov
The radio was on and filled the room with sound, I was speaking to Sophie, my best friend,
'I'm 17 soon,,, want to meet?'
I wanted to go, but I didn't know if my mum would let me.
'Can I meet Sophie?'
She looked at me like she had won the lottery
'Of course love!'

As I texted Sophie back the radio presenter introduced the next song, 'next up is perfect by Ed Sheeran!' I dropped my mums phone.
'Do you want a drink?'
'Sure..' I say and smile
He came back with two drinks, he handed me one and we both drank them..
Then Perfect came on..
'This is our song! Come on let's dance!' He grabbed my hand and we started dancing together, slowly I got more and more drowsy.
He walked me out of the club and took me to a hotel.
(She got raped there)

Flashback ended
'Emily, you ok?'
'Yh I.. um I need to..' I got up and ran upstairs, my mum ran after me but she had to turn the gas off from the chicken so she couldn't catch up.
I go into my room and lock the door, leaning against my door I sobbed, my body curled in a ball.
My mum knocked on my door, 'Emily love come out..' she tried to open it but it was locked.
(Ok just so you know she keeps going in and out of flashbacks)
I tried opening the door but it was locked. My phone was gone, I was stuck..
'GO AWAY!' I say crying Inbetween the words
'Emily, just tell me what's the matter..'
She says with a calm voice
'I don't want to talk about it.'
I could hear her shifting outside the door
'Charles... go get the key.' I sighed. I forgot they had a key.
The door unlocked and I covered my face Inbetween my knees and in my hands
My mum sat next to me and lifted my face with her finger
'What's going on love?'
I looked at her and cried again while pulling her into a hug
I was pulled away and pushed onto a bed, I tried to fight against the force of a man but nothing would stop it
Out of flashback
My mum was stroking my hair and hugging me
'That song..' I said and cleared my throat, 'it's the same song I heard the night I was taken from the club I went'

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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