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Marshall POV

"You sure are a quick motherfucker, aren't you?" Denaun asked drily. He was standing with me as movers were hauling in Nicki's shit. I shrugged in response. I couldn't really deny that.

"Your girls cool with this?" He asked and I nodded.

"Somehow, I can make millions of fucking dollars, afford to take them wherever the fuck they want to go, have a stack of awards and have my words known worldwide, but I only become a cool dad when I'm dating Nicki," I replied with a huff.

I wasn't really upset, but seriously, you'd have thought that I'd given the girls each their own pony when I told them that Nicki was moving in. My ears were still ringing from the squeals and my head was still dizzy from all the chatter about fashion. Apparently, the girls could hardly wait to go shopping with my girlfriend. Heaven only knew how fucking expensive that was going to be. Maybe Nicki's comments on saving money weren't so ridiculous, after all. I should probably buy stock in some of the major brands, just to offset the financial impact.

"So, when does she get to town?" Denaun asked.

"Tomorrow night," I said. Nicki had been back in Hollywood, promoting her shit. The songs were up in the clicks, which was great, but I still missed her. It would seem that I'd gotten used to her sassy ass being around. On the bright side, on our nightly calls, I made sure she missed me, too.

"What are you smirking about?" Denaun asked and I straightened and blanked my expression. Last night's call had filtered through my memory. Nicki was sure as shit going to be excited to see me tomorrow. I'd have to make sure that no one dropped by – we'd need the whole evening to ourselves.

"Just thinking," I responded. Denaun nodded.

"Mm-hmm," he said, clearly aware of what kind of thoughts had been slipping through my mind. "How'd she like the bling?" He asked. I grinned for a flash of a second. That was a good memory, too.

"She liked 'em," I replied flatly. Denaun whistled as he watched the last of the movers carry things inside.

"There's gonna be rap princes and princesses all over this house," he predicted and I lifted a brow. He just shook his head as we walked toward the kitchen.

"Don't give me that look," he said. "You'll see I'm right soon enough."

I shook my head as I grabbed a drink out for him and took a swig of mine. Nicki and I were moving fast, but not that fast. There was plenty of time to worry about any of that mess later. Right now, I was going to enjoy having near unfettered access to those delicious hips.


The next day, I was waiting at the house, glancing at my watch and pacing the floor. Nicki hadn't wanted me to pick her up, saying that it would just mean that we'd get recognized and then never get out of there. There was something to it: although she and I could make it out on our own occasionally without being hassled, whenever the two of us were together, we were too obvious. It usually only took a few minutes in any given location before we had to move on to something else. It was fucking annoying and something that I could only hope would ease up as people got used to seeing us around.

When the door opened, I strode to it and grabbed her, not letting her get a word out before I kissed her. She'd been sending me picture texts all night and morning and, while I loved every one of them, I was too worked up to give her even a minute of peace to set her shit down. She knew exactly what the fuck she'd been doing to me, too, because she laughed in my mouth as she kissed me back.

"Leave your shit here," I demanded against her lips as I pulled her back into the living room. "We'll pick up later."

"So thirsty," she said, teasing me. I bit her lip lightly as I squeezed her ass. She arched to me, pushing her chest against mine, and I knew I had her.

"Well, if you want me to stop," I murmured as I moved down her jaw to her neck.

"No, no," she replied. "Do continue."

I smiled into her skin, hearing the British accent she'd sometimes affect. It was sexy as fuck, as was she. And, she was all mine.

A/N: Thus, the end to Marshall and Nicki. Hope you enjoyed it! With this ending, we're down to the shorts for Marshall. I have some ideas and prompts to get to once Moxie's storyline is done, so keep your eyes peeled. Until then, happy reading!

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