Chapter 1

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Sucker | Jonas Brothers

I walk into school and sighed. I hear their voices in their heads that my stomach makes me want to throw up. It's disgusting.

I don't even know why I'm not homeschooled even if I should've, but then again the world needs me. The negativity is just intense, it's making me barf.

Sometimes it makes me curl up in a ball and cry in agony because of their words. Do they really have to say those things to themselves when they are all perfect.

"Omg I hate her, why is she talking to me?"

"I hate this shirt, I should've never put this on."

"I'm going to fail my math test today!"

It's either funny or either something that I don't even want to hear. I've tried blocking it but I haven't done that yet. I have been practicing, at least it's getting a little better.

"Thea?"I turned to see Morgan smiling at me holding some papers.

"Great your here! The club asked if you can send these papers to the front office. Something about resign-in."I nod and took them.

"Oh, and by the way, there is a club meeting after school. Willam thought it was a good idea."I raised an eyebrow.

"I really want to kill that hoe someday."

I shook my head and chuckle. "Must suck for us, just don't let him forget the budget before he buys any random shets online."

"Got it."He pats my back and walked back away to the club.

I walked to see the papers. I guess we are having two new members today. That's weird that we had to resign yesterday.

Callum Spencer and Oliver Lark. Seems like they also are on the soccer team. Why would they want to be in our club?

I'm in a club, that's right. Well, it's a small one, to be honest. It's mainly on a business of design. I swear I can be a geek sometimes.

We usually create designs for school, clothes, and sometimes we have to buy the school supplies. It's weird but it's fun since I could just get out of a boring class when I can.

"Dude! Watch out!"

My eyes widen and felt someone bump into me. I held my place and looked at the papers on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't wasn't paying attention to where I was going,"I said and quickly got down to pick up the papers.

"It's my fault, I was playing around."I hum and I saw a hand in front of me.

"Here."I took them and looked up to see a guy with gray eyes, brown skin, and brown hair.

I think I know him, wasn't this guy from middle school. He used to sit behind me and talk nonsense about the Avengers in his thoughts.

"Shit, she's staring at me. Did I make a mistake?"

I got cut off and got up with a smile. "Thank you."

"Dude you got to stop bumping into people."I looked to see a dark skin and green eyes with black hair behind the boy.

"Can he just not kill the mood one day?"

"I got to get going, sorry,"I said and walked away from the sense.

I went to the office and handed the paper to the counselor which she smiled.

"Here are the list of things that we need this month. Don't forget we have a football games starting next week."I nod and looked at the files.

"How about the budget? Is it good enough for all this?"I asked looking at the papers.

"As of what I've heard, yes."I smiled and nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ms.Lillian,"I said and walked out to go to the club room which was upstairs to the last room.

401. I smiled and opened the door to see three people in the room.

"Glad you're here!"I rolled my eyes and looked at them.

"I missed you!"Alison said hugging me and I groan.

"Oh let me go for one moment, we walked to school together this morning,"I said and she smiled at me.

"William I got the papers from the councilor asking to buy some things for this month and the football game is coming next week."He stared at me and then looked through his computer.

"That's not the only game coming up. Morgan talks to the ASB and the sports committee during lunch."

"Guys, let's not forget. There are new members coming next week and Alison! Where did you put the flash-drive? You lose everything!"Alison rolled her eyes and walked to William slapping his behind his back.


I chuckle and went to check the board and write what we have to do this week.

I heard something fall. "Willam you fucking idiot, stop throwing the new drama props at me!"

"If you ruin the props I'll kill you in your sleep William!"Alison almost shouted.

"By the way, why are the new members coming next week?"I asked and Willam looked at me.

"I heard there is soccer practice or something."

"Oh and I also heard that if some joins a club after school started and they get accepted. They have to wait for a week of admissions."I raised an eyebrow.

"In order for their record to know they go to a club, something about that."I nod and smiled.

"We have a lot of work to do this week, games are starting next week, are you sure we can do this?"Alison asked as Morgan rolled his eyes.

"Can you? You seem to lose everything we have. Like you have the powers to let everything go missing in a second."

"That's so not true."I sighed and hear their bickering.

School sucks really does.

The atmosphere in here is just too playful and I'm honestly loving it. When I get to class there are these mixed emotions that I can't hold on to.

A lot of people talk too much in their head how 'boring the class is' or 'when the bell would ring'. Sometimes they say 'I want to go home' or 'I hate school'. I agree with them but they need to stop for a while, it gets annoying.

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