"I'm going to Camp Rock!" I squealed, causing the two others to get excited.

"Still definitely not excited about this camp but I am excited about the fact you'll be there with me!" Phoebe noted, bringing up yet again that she doesn't even want to go to this camp.

"That's great, Mitchie!" Aubrey exclaimed.

"It really is, I'm getting in with a discount as long as I help my mom out in the kitchen, as her business will be working for the cafeteria for Camp Rock," I explained, setting my phone on the vanity.

"Wait, if your mom will have her staff at Camp Rock what about her catering service here?" Phoebe asked. "My mom loves her restaurant."

"Well, I'm pretty sure she has enough staff that will be taking over the building here, while me, her, and some of the others will be helping at Camp Rock. I'm sure they also have other staff at Camp Rock." I shrugged. "I don't know all of the details, I just read the letter and my mom told me some stuff before I came in here to call you."

"Well, I'm glad, Mitch. Now we don't have to worry about being separated for the summer." Aubrey explained, grabbing her brush and brushing her hair, throwing it into a somehow perfect messy bun.

"I know. You know, I was just thinking about how useless it was that I let you get me new clothes and bought me new makeup and such to replace my old stuff because I wouldn't even be doing anything except working with my mom for the summer before now." I shook my head with a smile.

"Not to mention, she dyed your hair. Still looks great, by the way." Phoebe complimented, before taking a drink of her soda.

"Well, ladies as much as I would love to stay and chat, we will be seeing each other tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep. I'm waking up extra early to shower and get ready, not to mention I will have some last-minute packing to do. Mitchie, I'm going to talk to my mom and daddy and see if I can just hitch a ride with you and your mom since your mom won't be driving back and such. I'll text you the deets." Aubrey spoke, and I just nodded, taking my hair down from its regular ponytail.

She hung up the phone, leaving Phoebe and I on the call alone. It was kind of weird she was going to sleep now, considering it was only about seven o'clock, but then again this is Aubrey we're talking about.

"Why are you guys so excited about this camp again?" Phoebe asked, as I grabbed my brush and began to brush the hairspray and tangles out.

"I mean, I love music. And I heard summer camps are very fun, I just think it'd be a nice change." I shrugged, wincing once I hit a big tangle.

"You're changing quite a bit, Mitch. Don't you think?" Phoebe asked, looking into the camera with a worried expression. Her sudden sarcastic and playful tone was gone, and she was now quiet and not even munching on her food from before.

"I don't think it's bad. Aubrey is right, I always complain about wanting more confidence and such, yet I don't do anything about it. Not saying I needed the hair change or new clothes or makeup, but I feel like the hair helped. Besides, I think I look better blonde." I put my brush down. "I needed new makeup anyway because my other makeup expired."

"As long as you don't change, personality-wise I guess I'm fine with it. Just don't turn into a clone of Aubrey. I love her to death, but I can only handle one of her." Phoebe shook her head with a smile.

"Well, we can only handle one of you." I joked, before hearing my mom call me for dinner. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow."

"See ya, Mitch." Phoebe spoke, before I hung up the call and left my phone on the vanity, making my way down the hall to where my mom had already set the dinner on the table.

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