14. A Perfectly Ruined Day

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Last night was nice. My mom made a nice dinner and we all just talked and laughed. Even Hannah did a few times. After dinner, we all went to bed. Once I got back to my room, all I wanted was for Norman to come back and cuddle me. But I my dad makes the rules.

I'm not sure how long I had been asleep, but I felt amazing. I opened my eyes and could hear the birds outside, chirping. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and sat up. I looked at the clock and saw it was seven in the morning. "Oh Christ. The hell am I up so early for?" I ask myself. I slowly get out of bed and walk into my bathroom.

I turn on the light and look in the mirror. I sigh and run my hands threw my hair. I decide to take a shower and get dressed. Once I was undressed and stepped into the warm water, I felt like I was in heaven.

After the shower, I put on some clothes and brush my hair. I open my bathroom door and see Norman sitting on my bed. I lean against the door frame and smile. "What are you doing up at seven in the morning?" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles. "Happy birthday." he says to me. My smile gets bigger. I walk slowly towards Norman and straddle his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

He had morning breath, but I didn't care. I run my hands threw his hair, while his hands run down my back and cup my ass. I pull away from the kiss and look into his blue eyes. "Thank you. And thank you for coming down here with me. It's almost perfect." I say to him. He looks at me and squints. "What's stopping this from making it perfect?" he asks me. I sigh and kiss his cheek. "If Mingus were here... then it would be perfect." I said to him. His shoulders dropped and he sighed. I watched as he nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

We quickly pulled away from the hug when I heard a bedroom door open and close. I got off his lap and smiled. "Why does it feel like we are a couple of horny teenagers, trying not to get caught by the parents?" I ask him. He chuckles at me and I snort. I go to my door and open it to find Hannah about to knock.

My eyes went wide. I cleared my throat before I spoke. "Hannah... what.. what are you doing here?" I ask her. She looks at me and smiles. "Wanted to wish you a happy birthday." she says to me. I slowly nod my head at her and chuckle. "Well... thank you, Hannah." I say to her. She nods at me and walks back towards her room. I close my door and look back at Norman.

"Something seem off about that?" I ask him. He nods his head at me and smiles. "Who cares though? Let's enjoy your birthday. Your day." he says to me. I smile at him and he returns a smile. I put my hands on my hips. "You wanna go for a walk? It's been a while since I've walked through here." I say to him. He jumps off my bed and smiles. "I would love to. Just let me get dressed and brush my teeth."

Norman walks out my bedroom door and into the room he is staying in. I watch him walk away and I smirk. "God I hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave." I say quietly to myself. I walk out my door and downstairs. I put on my shoes and wait for Norman. Just as I tie my last shoe, I heard Norman coming down the stairs. "You gonna tell your parents about us going for a walk?" he asks me. I look at him and smile. "I think they'll get the hint." I say to him. He chuckles at me and I chuckle back.

Norman and I had been walking for an hour or so. It was nice and cool out, the sun, slowly warming everything up. "Can you believe thirty-four years ago, I was born?" I ask Norman. He looks over at me and smiles. "You know... for someone who is getting older, you're really in a cheerful mood." he says to me. I snort and bump into him. "I have no idea why I'm so happy. I woke up feeling great, if I'm being honest." I say to Norman.

As we were walking, I felt Norman vibrate. He looks down at his pants and reaches in and pulls out his phone. He looks at me and smiles. I watch as he allows this person to facetime and points the phone my way. My face lights up when I see that it's Mingus. I grab his phone and smile. "Hey, Ming! I wasn't expecting this." I say to him. I can see him smiling through the phone. "I set my alarm for eight thirty just to facetime you, but you didn't answer. So I called dad." Mingus says to me. I smile at him. "Sorry bud. You're dad and I are on a walk. I wasn't thinking about my phone." I say to him.

"Well.. Pipes. I just wanted to call and say happy birthday. I'll call you back later when you and dad aren't out and I have woken up a bit." he says to me with a chuckle. I chuckle back and nod. "Thank you, Ming. I love you." I say to him. "I love you too." he says back to me.

Mingus hangs up the phone and I hand it back to Norman. "I love that kid with my whole heart." I say to him. He puts his phone back in his pocket and smiles at me. "I know you do. He loves you too." I smile up at him and grab his hand. "We should head back." Norman says to me. I smile up at him and nod against his shoulder.

Norman and I got back and we all sat down and had breakfast. For most of the day, we all spent outside talking and having fun. Telling stupid stories. Everything was going great. That was until the door rang and my sister got up with joy and ran inside to open the front door. I was a little surprised she was happy about something. I look over at Norman and see that he is already looking at me with that smile of his.

I looked back and saw who Hannah had let in. My smile dropped from my face and I felt my whole body shake. "Are you kidding me? I mean... are you fucking kidding me? Did you seriously invite Alan?" I ask her. I get up from my chair and walk fast towards her. I feel a pair on hands wrap around my stomach and I know it's Norman, pulling me back. I hear my mom and dad shouting for me to stop. I was still struggling against Norman and in the heat of it all, I got so worked up that I hurt the one person I didn't want to.

I brought my elbow and hit Norman in the face. The second I felt my elbow connect with his face I turned around. I brought my hands up to my mouth and I felt sick to my stomach. I have never hit Norman. Not like this. Norman fell to the ground on his knees and was holding his face. "Norman... oh God, Norman I'm sorry. God I'm so sorry." I say to him.

I touch his face with my hands and he looks up at me. I had tears running down my face and I was shaking from all this. "It's okay, sunshine. You didn't mean it. I know that." he says to me. I feel a few more tears run down my face and I pull him up. Once he was back on his feet, I turned around and I saw everyone looking at me.

"Piper... I'm sorry. For what happened between us all those years ago." I hear Alan say to me. I look at him and let a sarcastic laugh leave my mouth. "You? Sorry? I don't think that's possible. You cheated on me. With my own goddamn sister. In my own goddamn bed!" I scream at him. I can hear my mom and dad trying to calm me down.

"Actually Piper... Alan and I have an announcement to make... we're having a baby together." Hannah says. The breath in my lungs felt like it was forced out. I looked back at Norman and saw that his left eye was a little red. Guilt ran through my body. Norman looked at me and smiled. "Listen... I'll be fine. I promise." he says to me. I smile at him quickly.

I turn back around and see my sister and Alan. "Mom... dad... I thank you for the last few days. They've been good... but I think Norman and I are gonna head back to home." I say to them with a calm voice. I hear my mom start to sob. "No... please Piper. Please don't." I hear my mom say through her sobs.

I turn back around and look at Norman. "Let's go home." I say to him. I start to walk back in the house, but not before I stop in front of Alan and Hannah. "Congratulations on your pregnancy." I say to her. And with that, I walk back in the house and pack.

Norman and I packed up our luggage and called a taxi. "Piper.. honey... please don't go. Don't punish us. Please." I hear my mom say. I turn around and look at her with tears in my eyes. "I'm going to buy a plane ticket for you two to come up and visit in New York. Mom... I love you and dad... but... Hannah... just ruins everything. This day turned out so... great and it's ending shitty. I love you both... so... I hope you do accept the plane tickets and come and visit." I say to them.

Norman was awfully quiet and it bugged me. The sound of a horn honking made me jump. I grabbed my bags and turned around and looked at my parents one last time. "I love you." I say to them. I turned around and saw Norman open the front door for me. I go to walk out and heard my mom speak. "If you loved us... you wouldn't leave." I stopped dead in my tracks and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and opened them back up.

"I love you both." I say again to them. I walk out the door and into the taxi. "To the airport please." Norman tells the driver. I closed my eyes when I felt the car start to move. I don't know how long we had been in the car before I felt Norman grab my hand. "Everything will be okay, my sunshine." he says to me. I open my eyes and look up at him

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